Repairify to present during Used Car Week

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This year’s Used Car Week (UCW), Nov. 15-18 in Las Vegas at the Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa, combines five different car conferences, including the National Remarketing Conference and NAVIcon, to help unify all corners of the used-car industry.

Repairify, Inc. will be at the event participating in educational sessions. Below are details on the sessions: 

National Remarketing Conference

Session: What’s the Outcome of When a Venture Capitalist and an Entrepreneur Collaborate

Who: Tony Rimas, president of Repairify, and Andrew Iorgulescu, Business Development at Repairify

When: Thursday, Nov. 18

Time: 11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m

Where: Charleston Room

Discussion topics:

Evolution of auctions 

Engine diagnostics

Current and future state of the industry


Session: Fireside Chat

Who: Tony Rimas, president of Repairify

When: Thursday, Nov. 18

Time: 4 p.m.

Where: Pavilion

Discussion topics

Future vehicle tech

Impact to investors and potential opportunity

Ever-evolving landscape of the auto industry especially as it relates to technology

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