RepairPal, an online leader in automotive repair and information, introduced the RepairPal Nationwide Warranty. This program extends the repair shop’s local warranty to cover car owners nationwide – and it’s free anytime when using a RepairPal Certified shop. Car owners can experience the freedom of knowing that their car repairs are covered across the United States.
“Most consumers don't know whom to trust for automotive repair, especially when they are away from home,” said Art Shaw, CEO of RepairPal. “Our nationwide warranty protects these consumers when they are at their most vulnerable. Every RepairPal Certified shop in our network provides high-quality services at fair prices, and now we are harnessing the power of our nationwide network to take care of consumers, no matter where they find themselves.”
Once registered, qualifying repairs performed at any RepairPal Certified shop are instantly eligible for the RepairPal Nationwide Warranty. If that repair has issues and the customer is within 25 miles of the original repair shop, that shop will handle the repair. If the customer finds themselves outside that range when a fix is required, they can simply search RepairPal and be connected with the closest RepairPal Certified shop. Car owners can rest easy knowing they are covered whenever, wherever.
RepairPal is proud to have over 1,800 Certified shops nationwide. Certified shops offer a minimum one year/12,000 mile warranty, with most offering an up to a two year/24,000 mile warranty. Car owners are covered by that original warranty length, now across the nation, once they register the repair with RepairPal.
The RepairPal Certified shop program is designed to help car owners and their families find a trustworthy repair shop. Shops that qualify for the RepairPal Certified program go through a rigorous approval process, guaranteeing to the customer that these shops use high-quality parts and tools, employ trained professionals, honor the RepairPal Fair Price Estimator, have satisfied customers and stand behind their work with a repair warranty.