HDDA: Heavy Duty adds new categories to heavy duty standard project
Oct. 15, 2018
Related To: Auto Care Association
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On Oct. 1, HDDA: Heavy Duty, a community of the Auto Care Association, pushed forward on the development of heavy duty product data standards by announcing the launch of four additional categories to generate product attribute definitions. This brings the project’s total categories completed or in progress to nine of the initial 20.
The new categories that entered the research phase on Oct. 1 are:
Each manufacturer participating in a product category is asked to submit the attributes of their products they currently provide to the heavy duty supply chain, in order for their parts to be properly matched to a repair and sold. Attributes include details from brand, to measurement information, green materials labeling, and other critical details a customer needs to identify the correct replacement part.
“The adoption of heavy duty product information standards will enable the aftermarket to generate new sales opportunities,” said Sheila Andrews, director of HDDA for the Auto Care Association. “Not only do product data standards facilitate the use of e-commerce, but they also empower the existing counter sales person to offer customers more options for parts purchase while arming them with more knowledge on the products available.”
While HDDA: Heavy Duty is the steward of the standards creation project, it is the independent heavy duty aftermarket that truly owns the project. All the research necessary for the success of this project is generated by the industry, reviewed by the industry and validated by the industry. The Auto Care Association would like to recognize and extend its gratitude to all of the current volunteer companies and supporters, including:
HDDA: Heavy Duty continues to welcome additional volunteers on the remaining product categories. A list of those categories and their start dates is available at the comprehensive standards resource center webpage. Volunteer companies and individuals can join the project on the site through the volunteer portal.