Pay it Forward’s “Every Swipe Benefits Charity” is a win-win for auto repair shop owners

Jan. 14, 2016
The "Every Swipe Benefits Charity" (ESBC) is an innovative give-back program that allows auto repair shop owners an opportunity to benefit their business, customers and community. 
The “Every Swipe Benefits Charity “ (ESBC) is an innovative give-back program that allows auto repair shop owners an opportunity to benefit their business, customers and community. Through Pay it Forward Processing (PFP), a national credit card processing company, net proceeds are donated from each business account to a charitable organization, at no cost to the auto repair shop business.

“Many auto repair shop owners want to help the greater good but don’t have the resources to make monetary donations,” explains Renee VanHeel, founder and president of PFP.  “By choosing Pay it Forward Processing as your merchant services provider, the auto shop and its customers will be supporting a charitable cause with the "Every Swipe Benefits Charity” program.”

Here is how the program works:  Each auto repair shop owner chooses from a list of carefully vetted “Every Swipe Benefits Charity” (ESBC is a separate non-profit 501c3 corporation) board-approved nonprofit organizations.   The charities fall into categories such as animals, military, natural disasters, health issues or local community.  PFP then donates the net proceeds to ESBC from the business’ account each year—at no cost to the auto shop.  ESBC then sends the funds to the business’ chosen charity. As an alternate, the auto shop owner can nominate a favorite charity to be vetted and become a beneficiary. 

“It’s a win-win situation—nonprofits gain valuable support and the auto shop enhances its status as a socially responsible company,” says VanHeel.  “As a business owner who wants to make a difference in the world, just ask yourself --why wouldn’t you participate in the ‘Every Swipe Benefits Charity’ program?”

PFP came to be from the ashes of Witch Creek Fires in San Diego in 2007 during which VanHeel’s home was destroyed.  She, along with a number of other fire survivors, formed Fired Up Sisters which raised $5 million in goods, services and money to help fellow fire survivors.  “I was struck by the thought that if so much good could come as a result of tragedy, what could be done in good times?” said VanHeel.  “We believe there is no better definition of success than truly loving what you do, serving a purpose and filling a need in the world.  If this resonates with a business owner, we invite them to join the PFP family.

Partnering with PFP is simple and easy: every auto shop is assigned a personal account manager who customizes a program to fit their needs.  There is no contract, no minimum usage fees and PFP matches or reduces a business’ current credit card fees. Funding and deposits are made within 24 hours including American Express.  PFP sends each business a comprehensive monthly report with a breakdown of fees and cost for services.

PFP works with a variety of businesses including those in auto repair, hotel/motel, retail, veterinary and banking, among others.  The “Every Swipe Benefits Charity” program supports more than 25 local, regional and national non-profit organizations including Boys and Girls Clubs, American Institute for Cancer Research, Shelter to Solider, and the Arthritis Foundation. 

PFP also helps each of its business partners stay connected to their customers by using their own social media outlets such a Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to promote their business.  For more information on PFP visit or call 858-771-0076.

About Pay It Forward Processing

Headquartered in San Diego, Pay it Forward Processing (PFP) is a nationwide merchant service provider that supplies state-of-the-art payment solutions to businesses by providing a full line of products that are Class A certified on their processing platform.  PFP custom tailors its services for each business and offers 24/7 live technical and customer service support.    For more information on PFP visit or call 858-771-0076.

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