Automotive Parts Associates makes financial contribution to Hurricane Dorian relief
“Our thoughts and prayers are with all those suffering from Hurricane Dorian and with those on the front lines providing care and serving to those in need. We are humbled to be able to provide financial assistance to support the residents of the Bahama Islands affected by the greatest crisis in the country’s history,” said Jim Holmquist, Chairman of the APA Board of Directors. The category 5 hurricane made Dorian the most destructive storm to hit Abaco and Grand Bahama Islands in history. The destruction from the tropical cyclone destroyed about 90 percent of the buildings in the most hard-hit areas leaving approximately 70,000 homeless and in dire need of basic supplies and healthcare. The contributions from HHI will help those in need with medical care, supplies and pharmaceuticals, as well as hygiene kits and other humanitarian relief.About Automotive Parts Associates Automotive Parts Associates, Inc. is a member-owned cooperative made up of over 70 shareholders of independent auto parts distributors with 400+ warehouse and company store locations throughout North America. For more information about APA or about membership opportunities, visit Heart to Heart International Heart to Heart International strengthens communities through improving health access, providing humanitarian development and administering crisis relief worldwide. Learn more or donate by visiting,