DRIVE announces Performance Automotive Repair as its July Shop Spotlight
Performance Automotive Repair began at the home of Brandan and Kelsey Lancaster in 2015. Just a few months later a commercial building was rented for the growing business. And in 5 short years they bought the property and now have 7 employees. But lessons have been learned along the way.
When Brandan started Performance at their home in 2015, he and Kelsey knew that what they wanted was a business that focused on great customer service, fixing cars the right way with the goal of having some freedom to participate in their family’s activities when they wanted. Having the freedom to take a vacation when they wanted was an important part of the plan.
The Lancaster’s “winged it for a while" after opening. Brandan was working on cars, answering the phone, paying bills, writing estimates, ordering parts – he did everything. They were flying blind. That goal of family free-time wasn’t on the horizon. They both knew things had to change if they wanted to own a successful and well-run shop.
Brandan had a good friend who recommended DRIVE. After coming on board, both Brandan and Kelsey started to look at their business differently – they began the process of managing the business instead of the business managing them. That was a big change in their outlook. And it worked. They now have a handle on every aspect of Performance Automotive Repair – marketing, production, recruitment, sales – all areas of running a successful shop. In fact, because of their focused marketing and sales efforts, they now have 8 fleet accounts. They have also earned the Master of Shop Management Award by DRIVE – a well deserved and hard to attain recognition of a stable and very well run shop.
The Bayfield community is an important aspect of their lives. They are members of the local community college School Advisory Board which gives them the chance to help students prepare for the real world. This past year they have also begun to bring on interns to encourage and mentor future Technicians. They are very active on the Performance social platforms and consistently post items of interest to their customers. And every year they host a Customer Appreciation Day where everyone is invited for the best BBQ in town!
Another valuable aspect of being a DRIVE client is networking with their fellow shop owners across North America. Comparing stories, hardships and lessons learned is very satisfying. It’s good to know that other business owners are there for them with support and encouragement – and they do the same for other shops; receiving that help, but also offering advice, is rewarding. They’ve visited other shop owners on their RV travels and plan on doing that more in the coming years.
Performance Automotive Repair is in historic and beautiful Bayfield, Colorado - it’s all about family and taking advantage of the outdoor adventures that Southwest Colorado has to offer. Brandan & Kelsey know what they have and are grateful to live and have their business in such a picturesque part of our great country.
What advice would Brandan give to anyone just opening their own repair shop? “Get leadership skills and never stop increasing your knowledge — both technical and management." And as Brandan says… “Buckle up, calm down, and hang in there."
Congratulations to our July Shop Spotlight – Performance Automotive Repair!