BBB Industries LLC has added multiple new part numbers to its remanufactured alternator and starter catalogs.
Eighteen new part numbers have been added to the automotive catalog, covering over 1.6 million vehicles in operation, which includes eight part numbers that cover 2012 applications, and 14 additional part numbers that expand its import car coverage.
In addition, 85 new part numbers have been added to the small engine catalog and six part numbers have been added to the heavy duty offering.
Bruce Bigler, executive vice president of marketing, says, “We continue to focus on ensuring that our customers and the installer have access to the latest products and technologies. We provide products that are built to OE specifications using OE cores. Our overriding objective is to ensure our parts fit like the OE unit, look like the OE unit and, most importantly, work like the OE unit.”
BBB Industries is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. For more information, see