Vehicle Tracking Solutions (VTS) outlines fuel concerns, factors that affect spend and actions that can be taken to lessen the burden of rising fuel costs in a whitepaper. With fuel costs accounting for up to 40 percent of fleet operating costs, the paper presents where the biggest challenges are and the tactics that can be put in place to combat fuel spend by up to 20 percent.
The current Energy Department’s forecast for diesel predicts that the average price to be $2.94 per gallon for 2018. That compares to averages of $2.65 in 2017 and $2.31 in 2016. Organizations that rely on fleets for transporting goods have a growing concern that fuel prices will impact their cost for these services.
“The demand for trucks and the transporting services they provide are currently outweighing the supply,” said Katherine Brennan, fleet operations specialist, Vehicle Tracking Solutions. “This is a huge opportunity for the industry. Especially if fleet managers have an alternative plan to keep fuel spend at a minimum, rather than passing the increased fuel costs to customers to maintain profits.”
In this fuel management whitepaper you will learn the true impact of fuel cost for fleet centric businesses across the nation, including:
- What causes increased fuel usage
- How maintenance can increase fuel efficiency
- Ways to decrease fuel costs
- Tracking fuel consumption