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Q: What makes this product innovative?
A: There were a couple of things we went after. The Xlink has really got three different functions that it's capable of. It can work as the interface for any one of our scan tools. So utilizing either Bluetooth or WiFi, it would be what you'd plug in the car to wirelessly communicate with it.
The more important piece is it is a full-function J2534 interface device for reprogramming. So the technician or shop can use it connected to a laptop to work OE reprogramming software, doing reflashing of cars and things, being able to handle that. In many cases, it will also run OE's diagnostic software through their computer.
The third function is really the core innovation we did with it. It has a screen. It's not just a pass-through box like we've had in the past with others. With that screen, it will interface with our Remote Expert application and network. This will allow a technician to phone a friend, if you will, to do reprogramming or reflashing for them if they're not experienced or don't have a subscription for it. It's the same idea as when they call a mobile technician or person to come to their shop to reflash for them. Only, instead of making that call and waiting, they're able to connect through the network. Generally, we have response times under 30 minutes that somebody on the network will be able to do that reprogramming for them, or even scan a car that they may not have coverage for.
Q: What was the inspiration behind creating this product?
A: We wanted to make a more successful and complicated J2534 device, one that was capable of handling all the new protocols that came in. So, we combined that into it dealing with DOIP and things that shops are facing. And with that screen and its additional software abilities, it's able to be updated and upgraded as a little bit of future-proofing for them.
The other big thing was that we made this remote diagnostic network or Remote Expert network, I should say, a great program. It's on our top three tools, the ultra family if you will. If you had one of our 906, our next-level tools, or maybe you're even somebody who for whatever reason, doesn't have an Autel scanner, this gave away without having to buy one of our tablets.
To have access to that Remote Expert network with the singular device, the Xlink, so that you could utilize the advantage of that. That was the big inspiration for combining those other capabilities as well.
Q: How will this product improve the lives of technicians and shop owners?
A: First off, giving them that access to that Remote Expert network helps them out. Many of these shops may have one of our tablets, which would have given them access, but if you're using that on a vehicle and doing work, you can't use Remote Expert to program. Another car would tie your tablet up for time. With the Xlink, you'd be able to use your main tablet for diagnostics and things that you can do in-house, and allow the Xlink to work with an expert off to the side doing that reprogramming for you. You don't necessarily have to have much hands-on action by the technician, but that tool and the Remote Expert can be working on the car as well. So it gives some relief there to help technicians that way.
Many shops today know they need to do reprogramming. They've got some of the subscriptions for different manufacturers that they work with that are used to it and comfortable doing it, but there may be that manufacturer that is complex enough to do reprogramming, you're not comfortable with that brand, the amount of subscriptions and steps involved are difficult, here's a way to do those vehicles when it's out of your comfort zone, and you don't have to try and become an expert on every brand or make. You can use the Remote Expert network and the Xlink, and then with your own tool and device, do the ones that you're comfortable with. So it expands the range of cars you're working on, helps you with the ones you're uncomfortable with, and the same with scanning and diagnostic platforms.
So you can even have access to capabilities that your stand tool might not do, or you may not be comfortable doing.
Q: What has the feedback been from technicians who purchased this tool?
A: Very, very positive. The Remote Expert network is really comfortable in getting great use out of it, but this access and having the Xlink devices capabilities, wireless and otherwise freeing them up and freeing up their tool, is really positive. With these new protocols and the updates it's handling as our industry advances, enable it to handle those advancements a lot easier.
Q: Anything else our readers should know?
A: Not much other than what we talked about a little bit with the idea of future-proofing by having that screen on there and the interface with it, the additional software capabilities and memory that it has, we're able to update this a little further than the hardware software alone allowed on just the simpler pass-through device or interface devices of the past. So we kind of have tried to help proof the technology advance our industry is going through a little more with what the Xlink can do versus a regular pass-through device.
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