Ask the Expert: Are there any full-service automotive storage solutions for taking my dealership from check-in to parts and service?
March 17, 2016
The key is to work with a storage provider that provides the ability to retrofit to your existing workspace so you can maximize everything you currently have without having to start over.
Tim Vaughan, vertical market manager -- vehicle storage systems and equipment, Stanley Storage & Workspace Systems
Q: Are there any full-service automotive storage solutions for taking my dealership from check-in to parts and service?
A: The short answer is "Yes." There are many full-service automotive storage solutions on the market. The key is to work with a storage provider that provides the ability to retrofit to your existing workspace so you can maximize everything you currently have without having to start over. Lista just unveiled a complete product offering for each technician in the dealership including valet station, sink station, overhead cabinet frame, and tall garage.