While scan tools can vary in features, brands, and price range, vehicle coverage is the foundation. It is important to recognize the types of vehicle models you work on the most and which scan tools best cater to those vehicles. The Bosch ADS tools have best-in-class OE-specific enhanced and global OBD II coverage for the top vehicle manufacturers for cars sold in the US. This includes Domestic, Asian, and European brands. Module and system coverage include engine, transmission, ABS, body control, airbag, park assist, traction control, HVAC, instrument cluster, security, and more. Bosch publishes up to six updates a year ensuring customers receive the latest coverage.
Technicians should pinpoint the must-have technologies, systems and tools needed to enhance their diagnostic ability. Although there is no standard for how scan tools navigate through different vehicle systems, and some do it better than others. In order to have a full understanding of the tool’s capabilities, you need to get it in your hands and try it out yourself.
Information Provided By: Danijela Haskin, Bosch Diagnostics.