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Steelman Pro, a provider of tools and lighting products for technicians and industrial users, has launched their Tech for Techs program. This program is designed to connect the company with technicians, or innovators, who have attempted to create a tool that addresses a real-world problem.
“We have technicians that will approach us with a fabrication of something that they’ve maybe welded or duct taped together because there’s no tool for them to use to complete their job the right way,” says Holliday, vice president of sales and marketing for JS Products, Steelman Pro’s parent company.
Holliday says that these technicians may be forced to create their own tool to complete a job because there’s nothing else available. He adds, “Those are the ideas we want because if this technician has that problem, there are probably others with the same problem.”
How the program works:
The innovator who provided initial concept, will receive a one-time fee for compensation for the idea and his/her name will appear on the product’s packaging.
“One of the guys is building a hot rod and is using his payment to purchase parts that he couldn’t previously afford,” says Holliday.
From conception until the product is released can take as little as six months to a year, depending on the complexity of the product.
Tech for Techs, launched in April of 2015 has already produced four product lines including the Shark Plug Sockets, the 12-pc CV Joint Axle Service Kit, the Long Pinless Swivel Impact Extensions and the OBD II Right Angle Adapters. “By the end of the year, we plan on launching ten product lines under Tech for Techs,” says Holliday. “The amount of tools we can produce is only limited to the amount of ideas out there.”
“(Tech for Techs) takes real-world problems and solves real-world solutions for technicians, by technicians,” says Holliday. “It gives us a way to connect to technicians to show them that we are committed to building tools that they need, that are useful, that no one else has out there.”
For more information on the Tech for Techs program, visit: http://steelmanpro.com/techfortechs.