Tool Review: WD-40 EZ-Reach

April 8, 2022
Reviewed by Scott Brown, owner/technician at Connie & Dick’s Auto Service Center Inc. in Claremont, Calif.

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Q: How did the product function as far as saving you time?  

A: The WD-40 product has been a go-to product for everything from freeing up sticking components and parts to lubricating key locks to cleaning and removing items like glue, etc. The EZ-Reach flexible straw is awesome because it allows technicians to direct the flow of the product with one hand while maintaining an upright position of the can. 

Q: How easy was this product to use?  

A: The product was extremely simple to use.  

Q: How was its packaging?  

A: The packaging was very simple and practical.  

Q: What features did you like?  

A: The EZ-Reach flexible straw is fantastic. It allows technicians to use one hand for directing where the lubricant will go leaving the other hand free to do whatever else is necessary such as holding a flashlight.

Q: What types of jobs/repairs did you use this product for?  

A: I used this for lubricating sticking door latch mechanisms through a service access port, cleaning underhood plastic panels, lubricating shifter linkages, as penetrating oil for rusted/frozen items like brake rotor hats stuck to the wheel hub bearing assembly, and pretty much everything else anyone has been using WD-40 on forever.

Q: How does this tool compare to other products you’ve used like it? 

A: Regarding the EZ-Reach, I really haven't seen any other products like it other than the oil can with a flexible (but rather bulky) dispenser which oftentimes isn't very convenient.  

Q: On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate this product overall? Why?  

A: 10. The flexible straw is an awesome feature that I suspect will yield endless uses and help solve a multitude of problems.​ Anytime you need to apply the WD-40 lubricant to a hard-to-access area this device will likely lend a helping hand.  

 *Note: This product was given to the reviewer free of charge from the manufacturer.

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