Tool Review: Lisle 1/4" Pry Bar with Strike Cap

Dec. 6, 2023
Reviewed Pete Rudloff owner of Pete's Garage Inc. in Newark, Delaware.

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Q: How did the tool/equipment function as far as saving you time?

A: Sometimes you simply need a small pry bar that can take getting hit by a hammer. 

Q: What kind of setup was involved before using the product?

A: Zero set up, just remove the packaging. 

Q: How easy was it to use?

A: The tool side of this is super simple, it is a pry bar, only smaller. 

Q: How was its packaging? Did it come with any accessories?

A: Well packaged on a card with shrink wrap, traditional Lisle packaging. 

Q: Was there a manual included? If so, did you use the manual and was the manual easy to understand?

A: A manual of sorts is included, a single paragraph on the back of the card explaining the tool can be struck with a hammer. 

Q: What features did you like?

A: The strike cap is critical, more pry bars come with this nowadays but that wasn’t always the case. Technicians have been striking pry bars for a long time and not having a strike cap inevitably ends up in the handle getting damaged or sometimes completely breaking off. 

Q: Is there any way you could think to improve or add to this tool?

A: Lose the shirt pocket clip, I don’t see this as a tool that one would typically carry around all day. The clip makes handling the pry bar a little awkward, and it pops off very easily.  

Q: What types of jobs/repairs did you use this tool for?

A: Seal removal and light duty prying, it is only limited by the user’s creativity. It’s not a tool for every job but most technicians will find a use for this small pry bar. 

Q: How does this tool compare to other tools you've worked with?

A: I own many pry bars, none this size. I’m actually surprised by how often I use it now that I own one this size. It is going to save me from damaging many flat-bladed screwdrivers.

Q: Is there anything you had questions or concerns about in regard to the tool?

A: None, the tool is quite user-friendly and does exactly what it is designed to do.  

Q: On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate this tool overall? Why?

A: An eight. I think it is a great tool and has lots of practical purposes.   

About the Author

Pete Rudloff | Owner, Pete's Garage, Inc.

Pete Rudloff is a nationally awarded technician, national automotive instructor/consultant, technical writer, software developer, automotive trade advocate, and owner of Pete’s Garage Inc. in Newark, Del. Rudloff has a national reputation as friend to the general auto repair shop and is known for fixing difficult to fix cars and facing challenging trade issues head-on. In 2016, Rudloff created FlexCheck Auto DVI in order to help independent auto repair shops nationwide increase their revenue.   

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