PTEN editor Brendan Baker recently sat down with Snap-on Product Manager, Michael DeKeuster, to discuss their 2022 Innovation Award for the SODC1 soldering clamp. DeKeuster says the clamp came to them by way of Thexton, who presented the idea initially.
“With all of the soldering irons that we have sold, this was a logical complement to that,” says DeKeuster. “As a technician is using a soldering iron to repair a harness or doing some stereo work, you really need your hands free to hold that iron and the solder, and something needs to keep the wires together. I can think of things like Apple’s air pods, Bluetooth earpieces, and cup holders that hold your coffee while you drive. All those things are hands-free, right? So now we have a hands-free soldering clamp to add to the mix.”
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