Video: Top 10 products of March 2023

April 5, 2023
A new scanner from TOPDON and purple ratchets and pry bars from Matco were among the top offerings added to in March.

Since many new products are being added to on a regular basis, we thought you would like to see what other techs, shop owners, and mobile tool distributors were clicking on the most last month. 

Here's a video to show the top 10 most popular/clicked on products that were added during the month of March. 

About the Author

Kayla Nadler | Associate Editor | Vehicle Repair Group

Kayla (Oschmann) Nadler was previously an associate editor for the Vehicle Repair Group.

With an education in journalism and public relations, Nadler contributed to Professional Tool & Equipment News (PTEN) and Professional Distributor magazines, as well as