Join PTEN Editor Emily Markham and featured guests Pete Meier (Vehicle Repair Group), Randy Briggs (Carquest Technical Institute), Mike Pressendo (TechForce Foundation), and Luke Murray (Advance Professional) for this exclusive PTEN presentation. Learn what you should be looking for when applying to shops, how to find training to continue learning and advancing your career, what tools and equipment you need to get started, how to find a good mentor, and much more from these industry experts!
This event is part of the PTEN and Motor Age Best Young Tech Award. The program's sponsors include Duralast, TechForce Foundation, Carquest Technical Institute (CTI), Worldpac Training Institute (WTI), and Autel. If you are a technician 35 or younger who is doing amazing work or if you know a young technician who is, nominate them or yourself for our Best Young Tech Award. Nominations are open right now, and the deadline is June 2. Visit to enter.
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