Technicians trust vehicle lifts with their lives every day, so it is crucial that the lifts are working properly. Protect yourself by inspecting your lift prior to use every day and scheduling annual inspections for every lift in the shop. These annual inspections should be performed by a qualified lift inspector who will thoroughly evaluate the lifts' operating mechanisms, safety systems, structural integrity, modifications and maintenance.
Comprehensive yearly inspections can identify potential issues before they become apparent to users. When an inspector discovers a maintenance issue, you have time to schedule a repair before it becomes a serious problem. The repair can be completed at your convenience, preventing costly downtime and emergency fixes.
The ANSI National Standard covering vehicle lift operation, inspection and maintenance mandates that all lifts be inspected by a qualified lift inspector at least annually. The lift inspector you hire should be certified by the Automotive Lift Institute (ALI), which provides third-party assurance that he or she is capable of examining a lift and reporting on its condition. An ALI Certified Lift Inspector assesses the lift, bay and shop, and provides a written report with any repair recommendations to the facility's owner or manager. The inspector then applies a dated lift inspection label to each lift that passes inspection.
Information provided by: Automotive Lift Institute (ALI)