The age of vehicles on the road has been increasing as consumers hold onto their cars, trucks and SUVs. This can be good news for independent repair shops, as most owners of older vehicles rely on the aftermarket for service. To make sure your lifts are capable of handling the workload, have your lifts inspected at least annually by a qualified lift inspector.
Annual lift inspections following the manufacturer's recommendations ensure equipment reliability. A professional lift inspection identifies any issues early, before they can grow into major problems. This protects employees, reduces lost days, maintains productivity and lowers lift repair costs. Annual lift inspections conducted by qualified lift inspectors can also prevent OSHA citations and fines.
Rotary Lift is a strong supporter of the Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) Lift Inspector Certification Program. Hundreds of our Rotary Authorized Installer and distributor employees are currently registered in the program or have already achieved certification. To find your local Rotary authorized inspection company, call (800) 640-5438.
Information provided by: Rotary Lift