MACS, MAACA partner to promote training and mutual benefits
Sept. 18, 2023
Mobile Air Climate Systems Association (MACS) announced its partnership with the Mid-Atlantic Auto Care Alliance (MAACA) to promote mutual association benefits, which include discounted training events, webinars, and professional development.
“The partnership between MACS and MACCA provides our members with the training resources to increase their knowledge, grow their business and capitalize on the power of numbers," said Peter Coll, MACS president and COO and Ron Turner, MAACA director, in a joint statement.
Additionally, starting now through December 31, 2023 members of either MACS or MACCA are invited to take advantage of discounted membership dues when they join both MACS and MAACA.
MACS members will receive a 15 percent ($60) discount on a MACCA membership for the first year and MAACA members who join MACS will receive a 15 percent ($35) discount on their first year of MACS membership dues.
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