The International Automotive Technicians Network (iATN) now supports the submission of common automotive data file formats, including ATS EScope, Ford IDS, PicoScope, Snap-on, Tech-II, Toyota Techstream and more. With this new feature, members can now share the raw data files captured from the vehicles they're working on and discuss in further detail. In the past, members could only share either a screenshot or photo/video of the data being displayed on their tool. This feature allows others with the same tool and/or software to actually load up the data file locally for further analysis.
The plan is to add support for more automotive data file formats as members encounter them. Even if a member uploads one that is currently not accepted, the system retains the file and the engineering staff will evaluate it to determine how to accept it in the future.
The system offers the following benefits:
• A modernized interface that supports uploading from mobile devices running iOS 6 and Android 4 and above.
• Drag-and-drop support for modern browsers: IE 10, recent versions of Chrome, Firefox and Safari. This feature allows the user to drag and drop multiple files onto the file uploader screen to easily initiate the upload.
• Easier categorization of files, simplifying the process, especially when assigning a vehicle, which can now be done using the "Smart Vehicle Builder." Just enter a VIN or type a year/make/model (or even just year followed by a model) to easily pick a vehicle.
• Better integration with the members-only area of the site so that a user won't leave the site when uploading files. Instead, a popup window appears, letting the user upload files right there.