For project work in the most extreme environmental, jobsite and weather conditions, Coast Product's new POLYSTEEL BX300 and BX315 folding knives work continuously, comfortably and safely, according to the company. With blades made of 9Cr18Mov stainless steel, the new POLYSTEEL knives are extremely dependable in all temperatures and environments, according to the company. They feature co-molded hard nylon fiberglass filled inner frames covered by a non-slip Thermo Plastic Rubber (TPR) outer layer.
These knife blades can be counted on to maintain their maximum hardness and edge-holding capability, according to the company. The outer layer is cushioned and makes a long day working with your knife much easier. For added safety and dependable use, they include an easy to operate back-lock. The BX300 has a 3" blade, 7.125" overall (open) and weighs 1.6 oz. The BX315 has a 3.25" blade, 8.625" overall and weighs 3.6 oz.
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