Mastering Diagnostics #16: Pre- and Post-Repair Testing

Aug. 20, 2024
Understand the important role pre- and post-repair testing plays in automotive diagnostics and learn how Bosch can help simplify the process.

Mastering Diagnostics is back with episode number 16, featuring Motor Age Technical Editor Brandon Steckler. Brandon has the Bosch ADS 625X Diagnostic Scan Tool in hand to demonstrate the importance of pre- and post-repair testing.

When faced with a troublesome and typically time-consuming diagnosis, many technicians are quick to repair and dispatch the vehicle as soon as the repair is complete. 

Often, this results in a comeback simply because the technician focused on the symptom — the result of the underlying fault — and not necessarily the root cause of that symptom. 

It is beneficial to take the time to capture the data that shows a fault is present both before and after a diagnosis and subsequent repair is complete. This data will almost always show a significant change between pre- and post-repair captures. 

Leveraging the graphing power of the Bosch ADS 625X made light work of this data grab and simplified the analysis process. Viewing pre- and post-repair data will help reduce the time diagnosing the concern, lead to an accurate diagnosis, and increase the diagnostician's confidence that the concern was addressed correctly the first time. 

For more information, tune into episode #16 of Mastering Diagnostics.

Interested? Visit the Bosch Diagnostics website for more information on the Bosch ADS 625X scan tool and check out the latest ADSX software updates.