Mastering Diagnostics #21: Leveraging scan tool functions to build a VVT diagnostic game plan
Where great driveability diagnosticians shine above the rest is not so much what they know about the vehicles they are addressing. It’s how they learn to leverage the tools they have to build a diagnostic game plan. This holds true with all systems but especially with the widely implemented variable valve timing (VVT) system. With factors such as hydraulics, induction, duty cycle, and what every other circuit on the vehicle faces, determining what not to test is a valuable discovery.
The tools that take these techs to the next level are multi-faceted. Through the power of a robust service information system and a capable scan tool, so much can be derived right from the driver’s seat. What’s the point? Not to waste time testing unnecessarily.
To eliminate items off a list of potential faults is crucial for accurate and efficient diagnostics. To first visit service information allows a technician to understand a system’s configuration. This is always a necessary first step. But where the true leverage comes is in the power of diagnostic tooling like that of the Bosch ADS 625X.
Beginning first with basic graphed scan data, a technician can ascertain if what should be occurring is being carried out correctly. Think of this like a “go/no-go” type test. If a system isn’t functioning correctly, locating the faulted area is the next logical step.
With a capable scan tool exhibiting strong enhanced data availability, a technician can force system functionality through a bi-directional system test. Requesting control of the system forces the components to work as a system and under the direction of the ECU’s software. This flushes a suspect area into the crosshairs, so to speak.
Once a suspect area of the system is narrowed down, bi-directional control of individual components can be manipulated, allowing circuit testing to be carried out without having to drive the vehicle under normal road test conditions. All the dynamic testing can be carried out in the work bay, where the tools are. This, in combination with circuit testing tools, allows a technician to locate the root cause of the fault accurately and efficiently. Tools like the Bosch ADS 625X allow this to happen seamlessly making driveability challenges a pleasure to address. Click here to learn more about the Bosch ADS 625X diagnostic scan tool.