The ASE A1 study guide and practice test provides technicians the knowledge and know how to successfully take and pass the ASE engine repair certification exam
The ASE A1 study guide and practice test by Motor Age Training provides technicians the knowledge and know how to successfully take and pass the ASE engine repair certification exam. Our ASE A1 test prep book includes the A1 certification task list, which lists all test topics included on the ASE A1 certification exam. In addition to the easy-to-read text, the Motor Age ASE A1 study guide contains dozens of useful illustrations to easily tie in the topics to real life applications. You’ll also find the Motor Age A1 Engine Repair self-study guide to be a handy reference manual that can be used on the job after you’ve taken the ASE test.
The topics covered in this edition of the A1 Engine Repair Study Guide are details on:
General Engine Diagnosis
Cylinder Head And Valve train Diagnosis And Repair
Engine Block Diagnosis And Repair
Lubrication And Cooling Systems Diagnosis And Repair
Fuel, Electrical, Ignition And Exhaust Systems Inspection And Service
The back of the book contains an ASE practice test with questions written in the exact style of the ASE certification exam. The practice test questions are perfect for measuring the knowledge of the required information.
Publication Date: January 2019 Book Type: Spiral Bound SKU: CLT-SERIES-A1-BOOK ISBN: 978-1-950119-00-4 Pages : 122 (including task list, glossary, practice test)
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