ASE Test Prep - A8 Engine Performance Certification

Dec. 16, 2020
The ASE A8 Engine Performance study guide book and practice test provides technicians the knowledge and know how to successfully take and pass the ASE certification exam.
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The ASE A8 Engine Performance study guide book and practice test by Motor Age Training provides technicians the knowledge and know how to successfully take and pass the ASE certification exam. Our A8 book includes the ASE certification task list for the car and light truck Engine Performance certification exam. The task list outlines the topics technicians will be tested on during the ASE A8 certification exam. The A8 study guide provides detailed information, step-by-step explanations and examples supporting the topics technicians are expected to face during the actual ASE exam. 

The topics covered in this edition of the ASE Study Guide are:

  • General Diagnosis
  • Ignition System Diagnosis And Repair
  • Fuel, Air Induction And Exhaust Systems Diagnosis And Repair
  • Emissions Control Systems Diagnosis And Repair
  • Computerized Engine Controls Diagnosis And Repair 

In addition to the easy-to-read text, the Motor Age ASE car and light truck A8 study guide provides an ASE practice test, perfect for gauging your knowledge of the material covered in the book. You’ll also find the guide to be handy for quick reference after you've successfully taken the ASE certification exam. 

Publication Date: March 2012
Book Type: Spiral Bound
ISBN: 978-1-934855-30-0
Pages : 122 (including task list, glossary, practice test)

Buy your guide here.

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