The ASE T7 Heating, Ventilation & A/C Study Guide contains preparation tips for and successfully passing the T7 certification exam. The ASE T7 study guide covers topics that will be included on the ASE certification exam. Our easy-to-read study guide contains dozens of useful illustrations to visually explain real life scenarios that are questioned on the ASE T7 Heating, Ventilation & A/C exam. Included in this edition are details on the following topics:
HVAC Systems Diagnosis, Service And Repair
A/C System And Component Diagnosis, Service And Repair
Heating And Engine Cooling Systems Diagnosis, Service and Repair
Operating Systems and Related Controls Diagnosis and Repair
ASE Practice Test in the back of the book
Our ASE practice test questions are perfect for measuring your knowledge of the required information. The back of the book contains an ASE practice test with 65 questions written in the exact style of the ASE certification exam. There is an answer key with explanations for why an answer is correct.
Publication Date: July 2018 Book Type: Spiral Bound SKU: MHT-SERIES-T7-BOOK ISBN: 978-1-934855-95-9 Pages: 82 (including task list, glossary, practice test)
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