The most recent Motor Age ASE study guides for the collision repair (B-Series) certification exams. This set provides the knowledge necessary for technicians to successfully prepare for and pass all B-Series ASE certification exams. The Motor Age study guides provide detailed information on all the required topics related to collision repair. Each study guides includes an ASE B-Series exam task list, easy-to-read text with detailed illustrations and real life examples. Also included are ASE practice tests (questions and answers) in the back of each book; written in the style of the ASE exam to help you prepare. The practice tests are perfect for gauging your knowledge prior to the exam.
The ASE B-Series Study Guide Package includes all 5 B-Series books:
PASS OR DON'T PAY GUARANTEEAs a testament to the confidence we have in the quality of our study guides, we offer a pass or don't pay money-back guarantee. If you don't pass your ASE test within 90 days after purchasing one of our corresponding study guides, send us a copy of your test results and book receipt, and we'll refund the entire cost of the study guide - less shipping & handling.
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