Challenger Lifts

Louisville, KY 40219


About Challenger Lifts


2311 South Park Road
Louisville, KY 40219

More Info on Challenger Lifts

Challenger Lifts Horizontal 4 C Rgb 599f0bc9b8b88

Since 1987, Challenger Lifts has been dedicated to the safe design, manufacturing, and distribution of the industry's most technologically advanced automotive lifts and accessories. Challenger Lifts is one of the many brands offered by Snap-on.

The Challenger Lifts U.S. manufacturing facility, based in Louisville, Kentucky, provides a comprehensive line of vehicle lifts ranging in capacity from 6,000 lbs. to 152,000 lbs., covering a wide variety of automobile and fleet maintenance needs.

Products & Press Releases

Photo courtesy of Challenger Lifts
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

HD Mobile Column Lifts

Jan. 8, 2025
The Challenger Lifts HD Mobile Column Lifts can lift any rubber-tired vehicle within its rated capacity of 152,000 lbs without pits, cables, or compressed air. Each column operates...
Photo from Challenger Lifts
12.5K Extended Forks Mobile Column Lift, No. CLHM-125
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

12.5K Extended Forks Mobile Column Lift, No. CLHM-125

Feb. 21, 2024
The Challenger Lifts 12.5K Extended Forks Mobile Column Lift, No. CLHM-125, allows the user to easily lift vehicles, within rated capacity, with recessed or dually tires because...
Challenger Lifts EW1020 Wide Inground Lift
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

EW1020 Wide Inground Lift

Feb. 2, 2023
The Challenger Lifts EW1020 Wide Inground Lift features a lifting capacity of 10,000 lbs and an extra-wide drive-through clearance for servicing wide-bodied and electric vehicles...
Ev1020 Xp9 Iso
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

EV1020 Inground Lift Series

July 10, 2019
The Challenger Lifts EV1020 Inground Lift Series has been redesigned to maximize quick vehicle spotting in express bays. The EV1020 Inground Lift Series will now be available ...
4 P14 1
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

14,000-lb Closed-Front Drive-On 4-Post Lift

Oct. 25, 2018
The Challenger Lifts 14,000-lb Closed-Front Drive-On 4-Post Lift features a low approach angle and wide runways for easy approach. This lift offers a closed-front design with ...
Challenger Lifts Heavy Duty Mobile Lift No CLHM 135 57b23663716c2
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

Heavy Duty Mobile Lift, No. CLHM-135

Aug. 11, 2016
The Challenger Lifts Heavy Duty Mobile Lift, No. CLHM-135, is a maneuverable mobile lift with columns that can be operated on almost any solid surface, indoor or out, and lift...
Challenger Lifts Two post Lift No CL12 57b23675cbe5f
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

Two-post Lift, No. CL12

Aug. 11, 2016
The Challenger Lift Two-post Lift, No. CL12, is a two-post symmetric lift with three-stage front and rear arms and a 12,000-lb capacity. The single-point mechanical lock release...
Clhm 135 4 544e8e104a1e6 546d13b31cdfa
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

CLHM-135 wireless mobile column lift

Oct. 27, 2014
The Challenger Lifts CLHM-135 is a wireless mobile column lift with a 13,500-lb lifting capacity per column and a total lifting capacity of up to 108,000 lbs in a set of eight...
Cl10 Xp9 11459516
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

CL10-XP9 automotive lift

May 14, 2014
The Challenger Lifts CL10-XP9 is a compact, low-profile, 9,000-lb capacity drive-on style, two-post lift. The lift features a drive-on pad with flip-up ramps that extend the platform...
Dx77 Chrysler 11191697
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

DX77 Double Scissor Lift

Nov. 1, 2013
The ALI-certified Challenger Lifts DX77 double scissor lift was engineered with efficiency and productivity in mind. It can easily lift all makes and models (within rated capacity...

Articles & News

Photo courtesy of Bendpak
Bendpak vehicle lift
Service Repair

Lift purchasing and maintenance considerations

March 11, 2025
A Q&A with ALI President R.W. “Bob” O’Gorman, BendPak Director of New Product Development Sean Price, and Challenger Lifts Sales National Manager for North America, Trevor Colman...
ID 171715582 © Oksix |
Vehicle Lift
Shop Operations

Picking the right lift for your shop

March 7, 2025
A breakdown of the seven types of lifts to help you figure out what lift/s will work best in your shop.
BendPak Mobi-EVS EV4000SL EV Battery and Powertrain Lift Table
The Garage

Evolving for EVs

March 7, 2023
With the prominence of EVs on the rise, lift manufacturers have been modifying and creating new shop equipment to meet the industry’s needs.
Jeff Buckley
Service Repair

Top 10 Tools: Jeff Buckley, My Father’s Shop

Dec. 14, 2018
This Texas-based ASE Certified Master tech and shop owner shares his top 10 tools.
Two-post lifts such as this one from Mohawk Lifts give good under-vehicle access.
Service Repair

Go Big — But Go Safely

June 7, 2013
Lift manufacturers offer recommendations for shops.
Arranged like a bowling alley, the shop is open and roomy.

The Jewel in the Crown

May 4, 2012
RadAir Complete Car Care's newest location was built from scratch
1187130839216 10334554
Tool Distributor

Cornwell dealer Danny Windings dives head first into tools

Aug. 15, 2007
When Danny Windings started selling tools in Carbondale, Ill., he didn’t know anything about tools, yet he finished in the top 100 nearly every year with his first tool company...
1182796297736 10334572
The Garage

Lift your Sales

June 28, 2007
Quality, ease-of-use top the list for lift buyers
1171559113108 10334389


Feb. 1, 2007
Lifts and lifting equipment.

Videos & Resources

Mobile Columns
Video Network

Video: Challenger Lifts HD Mobile Column Lifts

Jan. 8, 2025
In this video, Challenger Lifts demonstrates the HD Mobile Column Lifts.
lift drifting downward
Video Network

Tech Tip: How to fix a lift that's lowering on its own

May 4, 2022
Challenger Lifts demonstrates how to fix a lift that's lowering on its own.
Fitting installation
Video Network

Tech Tip: How to properly install fittings on a vehicle lift

April 20, 2022
In this video, Challenger Lifts demonstrates how to properly install fittings on a vehicle lift.

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All content from Challenger Lifts

The Garage

Snap-on acquires Challenger Lifts for $38 million

May 14, 2013
Vehicle lift complements Snap-on's undercar equipment offering.
Challenger Quick Cycle 10924455
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

Quick Cycle vehicle lift technology

April 19, 2013
Challenger Lifts' Quick Cycle technology has increased the rise and descent speed of their CL10V3 two post and EV1020 inground lifts. Quick Cycle lifts have reduced lifting...
Challenge lifts truck adapter and extension kit
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

Truck adapter and extension kit No. 10319

Aug. 31, 2012
Challenger Lifts truck adapter and extension kit, No. 10319, has combined two accessories for lifting trucks and other framed vehicles. Frame engaging adapters cradle the frame...
Challenger Lift's Heavy DutyCargo Lift
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

Heavy Duty Cargo Vehicle Lift No. 15000-3S

Jan. 30, 2012
Challenger Lifts now offers a 15,000-lb capacity three-stage front and three-stage rear arm, two-post heavy duty cargo vehicle lift designed for Sprinter-style cargo vans. Available...
The Garage

Challenger Lifts launches car lifts podcast series

Nov. 22, 2011
The series, available for download, is geared toward automotive professionals seeking info and advice on the best car lifts for their needs.
Challengermotorcycleatvutvlift 10268191
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

CL1750A Motorcycle/ATV/UTV lift

May 12, 2011
Challenger offers the CL1750A motorcycle/ATV/UTV lift with a 1,750-lb. capacity. Dual foot pedal air controls make this lift safe and easy for anyone to operate. Its heavy-duty...
Challengerlifts4postliftnocl4p 10268049
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

CL3P9X and CL3P9W Four-Post Car Lifts

May 12, 2011
The Challenger CL4P9X and CL3P9W Four-Post Car Lifts offer a 9,000-lb. capacity. From home enthusiast and commercial storage applications to light duty general service applications...
Challengerliftsenviroliftnoev1 10268031
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

EnviroLift Electric Hydraulic In-Ground Lifts

May 12, 2011
Challenger Lifts brings more innovative technology to their line of EnviroLift electric hydraulic in-ground car lifts. These hydraulic lifts boast larger 8-1/2” chrome pistons...
4015series4postflatdecklifts 10106688
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

4015 Series 4-post flat deck lifts

Feb. 18, 2010
Challenger Lifts' 15,000-lbs. capacity 4015 Series four-post automotive lifts include open- and closed-front flat decks and alignment rack packages to service everything from ...
4015series 10131122
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

4015 Series

Feb. 16, 2010
Challenger Lifts' 4015 series is a15,000-pound capacity four-post automotive lift available with several productivity configurations, including open and closed front flat decks...
Srm10shortrisepadlift 10103919
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

SRM10 Short Rise Pad Lift

May 11, 2009
Great for brake and tire servicing, the Challenger Lifts' SRM10 10,000-lb. capacity Short Rise Pad Lift offers three locking positions. Standard two-position spotting blocks and...
Mr6portablemidriselift 10103913
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

MR6 Portable Mid-Rise Lift

May 11, 2009
The Challenger MR6 portable Mid-Rise Lift with heavy-duty tow dolly provides flexibility to service vehicles anywhere, inside or out. The lift offers seven locking positions while...
Clmseriesheavydutymobilecolumnlifts 10105539
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

CLM series heavy-duty mobile column lifts

May 11, 2009
Challenger's CLM series heavy-duty 4- or 6-column mobile lifting system, along with extra sets of accessory stands, serves multiple bays with one lift system. The CLM series provides...
Ar40seriesalignmentrackpackages 10103903
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

AR40 series Alignment Rack Packages

May 11, 2009
Challenger Lifts' 12,000-lb. AR40series "Open Front" and "Closed-Front" Alignment Rack Packages help shops easily support today's latest camera imaging alignment systems. Some...
Aquavanta 10166378
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

AV1020WV EnviroLift with AquaVantage

Nov. 13, 2008
AquaVantage, by Challenger Lifts, features a low cost of ownership compared to traditional electric/oil auto lifts. AquaVantage lifts run on Air and Water without hydraulic oil...
Clfp9twopostfloorplatelift 10102307
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

CLFP9 two-post floor plate lift

Sept. 4, 2008
Challenger Lifts' CLFP9 two-post floor plate lift features a 10' 7/8" overall column height, making it ideal for low-ceiling applications. Standard front and rear three-stage ...
Cl10seriesliftupdate 10102022
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

CL10 series Lift update

June 25, 2008
Challenger Lifts announced several enhancements for the CL10 series 10,000-lb. capacity two-post lifts including factory-installed rubber door guards to protect vehicle doors ...
Cassettestyelingroundliftcs1020wv 10101059
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

cassette-styel inground lift CS1020WV

March 24, 2008
Challenger Lifts’ CS1020WV cassette-style inground lift, available through Mac Tools, services more vehicles with its double telescoping screw pads, Verysmmetric 3-stage arms ...
Enviroliftcassettelifts 10097005
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

EnviroLift™ cassette lifts

Feb. 26, 2008
Challenger introduces their ALI ' ETL-certified EnviroLift™ cassette lifts. The company feels these lifts combine the space-saving, convenience and visual appeal benefits of in...
Cl10v3lift 10097007
Lifts and Lifting Equipment

CL10V3 lift

Feb. 26, 2008
A lift with great sweep, Challenger Lifts' CL10V3 10,000 lb. 2-post lift, with 3-stage front plus 3-stage rear arms is designed to provide a superior overall arm sweep, allowing...