Honeywell Products

Smithfield, RI 02917


About Honeywell Products


900 Douglas Pike
Smithfield, RI 02917

More Info on Honeywell Products

Honeywell Products specializes in the design, manufacture and sale of personal protective equipment.

Products & Press Releases

Tech using UV Light
Parts Distributor

NAPA Auto Parts to carry Honeywell’s new Solstice yf automotive refrigerant with UV dye

Aug. 29, 2022
This is the first time Solstice yf (R-1234yf) refrigerant with UV leak-detection dye will be available in the aftermarket.
Honeywell Dual Layer Face Cover Dark Gray
Safety Equipment & Personal Gear

Dual Layer Face Cover with Replaceable Filters

May 13, 2021
The Honeywell Dual Layer Face Cover with Replaceable Filters come equipped with a hidden pocket designed for convenient filter replacement. It offers adjustable ear loops that...
Honeywell antimicrobial earplug dispenser
Safety Equipment & Personal Gear

HL400 Antimicrobial-Protected Dispenser

April 20, 2021
The Honeywell HL400 Antimicrobial-Protected Dispenser has a built-in antimicrobial additive that releases slowly and prevents the growth of microbes. The earplug dispenser contributes...
Uvex Svp Series Eyewear
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

Uvex SVP Series Safety Eyewear

Nov. 16, 2017
The Honeywell Uvex SVP Series Safety Eyewear is designed to provide protection, all-day comfort and modern style. This series is available in the Uvex SVP 200, 300 and 400 line...
Uvex Avatar Line Of Safety Eyewear
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

Uvex Avatar Line of Safety Eyewear

Oct. 2, 2017
The Honeywell Uvex Avatar Line of Safety Eyewear is designed with 12 advanced features to help offer personalized fit, fog-free protection and more style options. This eyewear...
Uvex Hydroshield 58de8bdfb709a
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

Uvex Hydroshield

March 27, 2017
The Honeywell Uvex Hydroshield is an anti-fog lens coating now available on the Uvex Flex Seal Goggle in clear lens and the Uvex Stealth OTG in clear, gray and amber lenses. Uvex...
Bw Clip4 Black And Yellow Front 58a624cbcc32b

BW Clip4

Feb. 15, 2017
Honeywell's BW Clip4 is a four-gas, portable monitor designed for a user to wear while in the shop, to provide gas readings. The unit can operate continuously for two years without...

Articles & News

Videos & Resources

Uvex Afw Pcover 588f8e001dda4

Think lens fogging's no big deal? Think again: safety, productivity and your bottom line are at risk

Jan. 30, 2017
Fogging is the number one problem faced by safety eyewear users. It occurs widely across industries – from construction, manufacturing, chemical and utilities, to oil and gas ...


Korrie LaBrie

Marketing Specialist

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All content from Honeywell Products

Honeywell Howard Leight TrustFit Pod 57ed7e5d42f01
Safety Equipment & Personal Gear

Howard Leight TrustFit Pod Earplug

Sept. 20, 2016
The Honeywell Howard Leight TrustFit Pod push-in foam earplugs provide workers with the proper fit in order to protect against noise-induced hearing loss. The TrustFit Pod earplug...
thumbnail HON North Zone hardhat 57a35fc4b13d3
Safety Equipment & Personal Gear

North Zone Hard Hat

Aug. 4, 2016
The Honeywell North Zone Hard Hat features patented suspension, multiple adjustment points and a rear comfort cradle. A custom fit is achieved by adjusting the headband for height...
Honeywell Uvex Livewire 55a7f80e3b775
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

Uvex Livewire sealed safety eyewear

July 14, 2015
The Honeywell Uvex Livewire sealed safety eyewear with Uvex HydroShield anti-fog lens coating provides lasting, fog-free visibility for users to remain safe and productive on ...
Honeywell Uvex HydroShield 5594575ee750b
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

Uvex HydroShield anti-fog lens coating

June 17, 2015
The Honeywell Uvex HydroShield anti-fog lens coating is designed to improve worker safety and productivity, while its anti-scratch properties extend lens life. Uvex HydroShield...
Uvex Entity Goggle 552c1cf61cdc6
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

Uvex Entity goggle

April 9, 2015
The Honeywell Uvex Entity goggle protects against impact, dust and chemical splash hazards while providing a secure, gap-free fit. The lens provides a wide field of unobstructed...
Uvex Instinct 5410aec6ef07f 546ce9706751e
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

Uvex Instinct safety eyewear

July 29, 2014
The Honeywell Uvex Instinct safety eyewear features advanced anti-fog and anti-scratch lens coatings. They are designed to significantly extend visibility and lens life, while...
Uvex Hypershock 11597993
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

Uvex Hypershock safety eyewear

July 28, 2014
Honeywell's Uvex Hypershock safety eyewear combines premium sport-inspired style and best-in-class lens performance for maximum appeal and protection. Available in Matte Black...
Service Repair

Honeywell white paper examines eyewash best practices

Dec. 4, 2013
White paper provides resource for industrial health and safety.
North Brand GX-8 series Safety Eyewear.
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

North Brand GX-8 Series Safety Eyewear

July 15, 2013
Honeywell's North Brand GX-8 Series Safety Eyewear features semi-frameless style, sleek, nickel-free, brushed steel frames for a sophisticated look and eight-base wraparound lenses...
Uvex Turboshield Face Protection System
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

Uvex Turboshield Face Protection System

June 3, 2013
Honeywell Safety Products's Uvex Turboshield, a face protection system, delivers comfort for longer wear, easy visor exchange, improved protection and optimal balance when worn...
Service Repair

SAE reconfirms Honeywell's low-global-warming refrigerant as safe and effective

May 1, 2013
Technical experts from numerous car manufacturers evaluate HFO-1234yf.
Conspire and Relentless protective eyewear
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

Conspire and Relentless protective eyewear

March 28, 2013
Honeywell Safety Products' Conspire and Relentless, two different models of protective eyewear, feature the North Signature Fit profile, specially designed to comfortably fit ...
Service Repair

Automotive engineering organization has high level of confidence in safety of Honeywell's refrigerant

Feb. 12, 2013
SAE International Cooperative Research Project says latest extensive evaluation of HFO-1234yf refrigerant shows no change in its previous safety conclusions; says concerns raised...
Service Repair

Honeywell claims SAE International evaluation of R-1234yf will reconfirm its safety

Dec. 17, 2012
Honeywell claims most OEMs do not believe new information will lead to change in risk assessment.

Refrigerant supplier A-Gas launches low GWP refrigerant for automotive aftermarket

Dec. 12, 2012
A-Gas launches Honeywell's Low GWP refrigerant Solstice yf.
Honeywell Eyelation Program makes prescription eyewear affordable
Service Repair

Honeywell Eyelation Program makes prescription eyewear affordable

Nov. 2, 2012
Automated system features accurate fit technology and virtual try-on
Uvex Pheos safety eyewear
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

Uvex Pheos safety eyewear

Oct. 23, 2012
Honeywell Safety Products Uvex Pheos safety eyewear combines streamlined styling with technologically advanced materials to deliver high-performance protection. The eyewear's ...
Honeywell Uvex Carbonvision 10740246
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

Uvex Carbonvision Wide-View Safety Goggle

July 10, 2012
Weighing 46 grams, the Honeywell Safety Products Uvex Carbonvision wide-view safety goggle is among the world's lightest wide-view goggles available, according to the company....
Uvex Seismic Sctgray S0605x 10708672
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

Seismic Sealed Eyewear

May 2, 2012
Honeywell Safety Products has added two lens tints to the Uvex Seismic Sealed Eyewear line. The SCT-Gray lens tint reduces solar glare while allowing true color perception. Special...
Hd1200seriessafetyeyewear 10106185
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

HD1200 Series safety eyewear

Sept. 21, 2009
The HD1200 Series safety eyewear from Harley-Davidson Personal Safety Wear features lightweight, black frame with popular H-D logos on both temples and is complemented by flame...
Milanphotochromaticsafetyeyewear 10106183
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

Milan photochromatic safety eyewear

Sept. 21, 2009
Uvex Milan photochromic safety eyewear provides workers with the convenience of using the same pair of safety eyewear for both indoor and outdoor applications. The sport-inspired...
Theslimbeltclip 10130048
Product Guide

The Slim Belt Clip

Sept. 4, 2008
Hearing protection leader Howard Leight has introduces the Slim Belt Clip designed to provide handy storage when earmuffs are not in use. The Slim Belt Clip is easy to attach ...
Product Guide

Slim Belt Clip

Aug. 25, 2008
Hearing protection leader Howard Leight has introduces an accessory for its broad line of earmuffs--the Slim Belt Clip, designed to provide handy storage when earmuffs are not...
Protegesafetyeyewear 10101734
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

Protege Safety Eyewear

June 20, 2008
Uvex has made available their new line of Protege safety eyewear designed to provide comfort, sports-styling innovation and protection. The new glasses weigh less than 1 oz., ...
Protogo 10101566
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection


June 20, 2008
Uvex presents their Protogo, available with two-lens coverage optionsa standard 6-base lens or an extended 7-base (XC) lens for a closer fit and extra protection. Attributes of...
Strategygoggle 10101568
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

Strategy Goggle

June 20, 2008
New from Uvex is their Strategy Goggle, a lighterweight, over-the-glass eyewear product comprised of a soft, flexible, thermopoly elastomer that conforms to the face. The company...
Polarizedsafetyeyewear 10101716
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

Polarized Safety Eyewear

June 20, 2008
Uvex introduces their new line of Polarized Safety Eyewear that reduce glare and users are better able to see fine details and deep colors, therefore, improving job safety. The...
Readingmagnifiersforfitlogiclenses 10101720
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

Reading Magnifiers for FitLogic lenses

June 20, 2008
Uvex has expanded its line of lens assortments for Uvex Fit Logic Safety Eyewear to include reading magnifiers, ideal for fine detail work, reading or inspection. Individual bifocal...
Fogeliminatorcloth 10101831
Product Guide

Fog Eliminator Cloth

June 20, 2008
New from Uvex is the Fog Eliminator Cloth to help those who wear safety glasses, goggles or faceshields see more clearly. Formulated to protect lenses of all types from fogging...
Safety Equipment & Personal Gear

Clarity multiple-use earplugs

March 3, 2008
Available in two sizes to accommodate a wide range of ear canal shapes and sizes.
Palmdippedtuffcoatgloves 10096697

palm-dipped Tuff-Coat gloves

Feb. 26, 2008
The line of Tuff-Coat gloves is now available from Perfect Fit Gloves, a Baccou-Dalloz company. A lightweight stretchy nylon liner provides flexibility and dexterity while a durable...
Hd800seriesofsafetyeyewear 10096703
Safety Glasses and Eye Protection

HD800 Series of safety eyewear

Feb. 26, 2008
Sperian's HD800 Series of safety eyewear gives users their choice of three striking mirrored lenses in orange, blue or silver. This eyewear also features a double 9-base frameless...
Highvisibilityamfmradioearmuffs 10096701
Safety Equipment & Personal Gear

high-visibility AM/FM Radio earmuffs

Feb. 26, 2008
Bilsom high-visibility AM/FM Radio earmuffs have eye-catching bright green ear cups and a reflective headband to provide clear visibility day or night. At the same time, AUX input...
Onefitparticulaterespiratorsnbw95andnbw95v 10096699
Safety Equipment & Personal Gear

ONE-Fit Particulate Respirators NBW95 and NBW95V

Feb. 26, 2008
Willson Respiratory introduces their ONE-Fit Particulate Respirators, No. NBW95 and NBW95V. Both models can fit a variety of facial sizes and shapes while providing protection...