Luber-finer, Inc.

Albion, IL 62806-1313


About Luber-finer, Inc.


200 South 4th St.
Suite #420
Albion, IL 62806-1313
United States of America

More Info on Luber-finer, Inc.

Products & Press Releases

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Tool Distributor

Luber-finer offers online education program on filtration sales

Aug. 2, 2018
The website, which offers training modules on heavy duty filtration, is now offering education on outside filtration sales and how these salespeople play a role in fleet maintenance...
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Luber-finer releases extended life oil filter

Jan. 23, 2018
The product is an upgraded oil filter designed for the Cummins ISX engine.
Extreme Clean Hd Filters 5900f4f8a00d5
Compressed Air Systems

Extreme Clean HD Filters

April 25, 2017
Luber-finer's Extreme Clean HD Filters trap contaminants, allergens and odors. The air filters use carbon activation to remove up to 98 percent of bacteria, dust, pollen, mold...
Luber finer App screen on phone tablet 1 57a35ab343a00
Shop Management and Point of Sale

Luber-finer Mobile Application

Aug. 4, 2016
Designed to be streamlined and practical, the app offers users an online part catalog, a part search, cross referencing and distributor locations.
Luber finer EXTREME CLEAN 57163d69ebeff

Luber-finer Extreme Clean HD Premium Cabin Air Filters designed to help fight allergies

April 19, 2016
Luber-finer, a brand in heavy duty filtration since 1936, is pleased to announce that its Extreme Clean HD Premium Cabin Air Filters possess the capability to trap airborne particles...
Luber finer MXM Nano Tech 569920fcd8551
Engine and Powertrain

MXM Nano Tech Air Filter

Jan. 11, 2016
The Luber-finer MXM Nano Tech Air Filter offers 99.99 percent overall efficiency, according to the company, and remove airborne contaminants to protect heavy duty engines. Unlike...
Luber finer MXM NANO TECH 5693ca8dea786

Luber-finer offers MXM Nano Tech air filters for heavy duty engines

Jan. 11, 2016
Offering 99.99 percent overall filtration efficiency, the Luber-finer MXM Nano TechAir Filters remove airborne contaminants and protect heavy duty engines.

Videos & Resources

Luber-finer Extreme Clean HD Premium Cabin Air Filter Video

Luber-finer Extreme Clean HD Premium Cabin Air Filter Video

Sept. 27, 2014
This video offers an explanation on what a cabin air filter is and does. According to Luber-finer, cabin air should be cleaned and freshened with a new cabin air filter every ...
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Luber-finer cabin air filter video

Aug. 13, 2013
This Luber-finer video explains what a cabin air filter does. Furthermore, product features are discussed such as their Arm & Hammer Baking Soda and activated charcoal smell cancellatio...
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Blast from the past

May 20, 2013
Bernoulli principle drives operation of innovative new oil filter.
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Luber-finer corporate profile video

Jan. 25, 2013
Corporate profile video showcasing Luber-finer's capabilities in customer service, manufacturing, logistics, engineering and sales support. Features interviews with key personnel...
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Luber-finer phone app video

Jan. 25, 2013
The Luber-finer phone app puts the latest information on Luber-finer parts and distributor locations in the palm of your hand. Download the app today at
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ARS Trucking and Welding uses Luber-finer Video

Jan. 25, 2013
Allen Scraba, Owner/Operator and 20-year Ice Road veteran ARS Trucking & Welding, Alberta, Canada talks about Luber-finer.
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Luber-Finer Shackleford Enterprises uses Luber-Finer Smartphone App Video

Jan. 25, 2013
Interview with Mark Shackleford on service, Luber-finer and high tech application of the Luber-finer phone app.

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All content from Luber-finer, Inc.

Luber Finer Fleet Maintenance Newsletter Textad 280x157 June2019

Vindetech Filter Search Tool: Find Filters by VIN Number

May 21, 2019
Luber-finer’s new digital resource is the first online search tool in the heavy duty filtration market that uses VIN numbers to find filters for specific vehicles. Vindetech also...
Luber finer MP995 Fuel Filter 54e4e9e511fe4
Engine and Powertrain

MP995 Fuel Filter and MXM NanoTech Air Filter

Feb. 13, 2015
The Luber-Finer MP995 Fuel Filter and MXM NanoTech Air Filter offer high-efficiency filtration. The MP995 has 99.5 percent efficiency at 4 microns, according to the company. The...
The Garage

Luber-finer announces it will be attending HDAW '15

Jan. 9, 2015
Visit Booth No. 421 to learn about the newest additions to the 2015 line of Luber-finer filtration, including new air and fuel products.
Extremeclean Hd 3d Box Copy 11445803
Engine and Powertrain

ExtremeClean HD Premium Cabin Air Filter

May 7, 2014
The Luber-finer ExtremeClean HD Premium Cabin Air Filter will help provide a safer cabin for drivers by filtering harmful contaminants from the incoming air. Combining the dual...
Industry News

Luber-finer releases video explaining benefits of cabin air filters

Aug. 14, 2013
The video details carbon-impregnated design and Arm & Hammer benefits.
Luber-finer donating $5 to Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF) for each pet photo posted to Facebook page.
The Garage

Luber-finer donating $5 to Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF) for each pet photo posted to Facebook page

July 18, 2013
FRAM Filtration is pleased to announce the launch of its 'Show Us Your Canines' program. Beginning July 1, truck drivers, technicians and fleet managers have the opportunity to...
Luber-finer launches TRT line of oil filters
The Garage

Luber-finer launches TRT line of oil filters

Feb. 4, 2013
TRT just part of 140 new products introduced by Luber-finer since June 2012.
Covering the entire range of Luber-finer filters for the automotive, medium duty and heavy duty markets, Luber-finer’s mobile application tool has been designed to provide Luber-finer installers and partners with quick and easy one-click access to filter product searches and cross-reference information to help speed filter change productivity.
Tool Distributor

A mobile solution for a mobile operation

Jan. 21, 2013
Shackleford Enterprises provides quick, efficient roadside service with help from Luber-finer mobile website application.
Luber-finer adds to heavy-duty filtration product lines
Service Repair

Luber-finer adds to heavy-duty filtration product lines

Jan. 10, 2013
Products are for on-road and off-road applications.
Heavy-Duty Time Release Technology (TRT) oil filters
Engine and Powertrain

Time Release Technology (TRT) oil filters

Dec. 19, 2012
The Luber-finer Time Release Technology (TRT) oil filter provides fleets with a reliable frontline defense against the hazards of oil degradation. Luber-finer TRT oil filters ...
Luberfiner Ffa Scholarship Mit 10727906
Industry News

Henry Mitchell receives Luber-finer National FFA Scholarship

June 14, 2012
York, SC, high school student receives $1,000 award for continuing education.
100711group Ltdtyhdfamily 10415756
The Garage

Luber-finer keeps customers informed

Oct. 7, 2011
Through a variety of communication channels

Luber-finer Case Study - Ballard Oil, Seattle, WA

Aug. 24, 2011
This case study, from Luber-finer, is about Seattle, WA-based Ballard Oil. The company, in business for 73 years, services and responds to the unique needs of a wide array of ...

Luber-finer Case Study - ARS Trucking & Welding, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Aug. 24, 2011
This case study, from Luber-finer, is about ARS Trucking & Welding of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. For 25 years now, ARS has specialized in preparing trucks and heavy duty vehicles...
Luberfinerimperialxloilfiltere 10243740
Engine and Powertrain

Imperial XL Oil Filters

March 22, 2011
Luber-Finer offers the Imperial XL Oil Filter. According to the company, these filters have 1.5 times the filtering capacity of the leading brands of cellulose filters. This higher...
Davcofuelfilters 10130586
Engine and Powertrain

DAVCO Fuel Filters

June 16, 2009
Luber-finer, a division of Champion Laboratories, Inc., now offers replacement elements for its line of DAVCO fuel/water separator fuel filters across all current market applications...
Quickcrossreferenceguide 10129082
Training Products and Tools

Quick Cross Reference Guide

Aug. 7, 2007
Luber-finer, a division of Champion Laboratories, Inc., and a leading manufacturer of heavy-duty filtration products for the transportation, off-road/mining, marine, agriculture...
Laboratoryfluidanalysisprograms 10129013
Repair Information Sources

Laboratory Fluid Analysis Programs

Aug. 6, 2007
Luber-finer, a division of Champion Laboratories, Inc., and a leading manufacturer of heavy-duty filtration products has recently added oil analysis kits to their Laboratory Fluid...
Ecatalog 10128916


July 3, 2007
Luber-finer, a division of Champion Laboratories, Inc., has introduced its new “Luber-finder” eCatalog for all Luber-finer-branded automotive and light truck, medium and heavy...
Lubefinertotaltechfuelfilterse 10227182
Engine and Powertrain

TotalTec Fuel Filter

June 25, 2007
TotalTec Heavy-Duty Fuel Filters from Luber-finer feature a revolutionary “no bowl” fuel/water separator design. This design eliminates the work and worry of fuel/water separation...
Zgardlfp9750bypassfilter 10126280
Engine and Powertrain

Zgard LFP9750 By-Pass Filter

June 25, 2007
Champion Laboratories' Luber-Finer Brand unveils the next generation heavy-duty spin-on by-pass filter. the Revolutionary Zgard LFP9750 is proven to reduce added soot and neutralize...
Mxm Air Filter Group1da806 Cop 11542972
Engine and Powertrain

MXM Force Air Filters

June 25, 2007
The Luber-finer MXM Force Air Filters with MicroGold Fiber Technology offer durability and reliability by providing 50 percent more dirt-holding capacity on average than standard...