Mastercool A/C System Analyzer Video

Jan. 29, 2015
The Mastercool new A/C System Analyzer is an all-in-one tool that not only calculates critical information for the air conditioning system but also diagnoses basic system problems.

The Mastercool new A/C System Analyzer is an all-in one tool that not only calculates critical information for the air conditioning system but also diagnoses basic system problems. The LCD display leads the technician through basic tests. The A/C System Analyzer is able to calculate Actual Superheat, Subcool, Target Superheat, Temperature Split, Dry Bulb, Wet Bulb, Relative Humidity, Dew Point, Air Velocity and Air Flow Volume. The A/C System Analyzer guides the technician in determining if the refrigerant charge is correct. No calculations or charts are needed. Test results can be saved under a customer or technician name for future reference.