TechForce Foundation, a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit, has launched its national “Because I’m a Tech...'' campaign featuring a diverse group of technicians sharing their stories...
Felipe Maldonado is an automotive technician in a Houston dealership’s service department. He says training and mentoring programs are key pieces to attracting and maintaining...
Creed Crockett is a rookie automotive technician in Denton, Texas. He offers his “two cents” on what he's learning, and what he hopes an employer can offer to young technicians...
Taylor Green is a technician working at a dealership, and he says young techs would benefit from an incentive-based program that helps them build a tool chest.
Meet Caden Baaske, a 20-year old who is a long-time automotive hobbyist who is capitalizing on his passion to start a career as a professional automotive technician. Caden began...
You aren't alone in your struggle to find and keep young techs in your shop. Three industry stakeholders weigh in on what we are doing wrong — and how to fix it — in the fight...
When TechForce Foundation released its Technician Demand report and Technician Supply report, the gravity of the transportation technician shortage was clearly evident.
Long before she became the controller at White’s Canyon Motors, a Ford dealership, Sidney Olson started out as an apprentice at White’s Queen City Motors, a Chevy dealership, ...
This tech proved her doubters wrong and hopes she can inspire other young individuals to take on the challenge of becoming a master technician like her.
The largest scholarship donation in TechForce history will nearly double the amount of scholarships awarded to financially-struggling students who are pursuing their career to...
The cars, trucks, and motorcycles of today are far different than those of a generation ago, which requires significant technical skills from the workers who service them.
You've thought long and hard and decided that a transportation tech career is the right path for you. But how do you know which school to choose? This article will guide you through...
While there are great rewards for women in an auto tech career—working with your hands, building something from scratch, the opportunity to be an entrepreneur—there are also challenges...