AXN Heavy Duty

Louisville, KY 40214


About AXN Heavy Duty


5534 National Turnpike
Louisville, KY 40214
United States

More Info on AXN Heavy Duty

AXN Heavy Duty, LLC is a privately-held, North American-based manufacturer and supplier of undercarriage systems to the heavy duty trucking industry, including truck, trailer and bus vehicle segments for both the OEM production and related aftermarkets. For more information on AXN Heavy Duty, please visit the company website at

Products & Press Releases

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AXN Heavy Duty announces launch of MARS suspension platform

June 12, 2012
Launch plan includes initial availability of the MARS-23 in June, with releases of the 25K, 30K, and 20K versions to follow.
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Diagnostics and Drivability

AXN Heavy Duty selects Brake Safe

Feb. 9, 2012
Company selects Spectra Products' Brake Safe system as preferred solution for visual brake stroke indicators.

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