The Electronic Specialties Code Buddy PRO, No. 903, works with all 1996 and later OBDII/CAN-compliant vehicles. This compact and easy-to-use code scanner with live data and diagnostic monitors can can display the full live data stream, giving valuable feedback while the vehicle’s engine is running. The 903 also displays Mode 6 diagnostic monitors status, which can help find borderline problems and intermittent codes, and displays O2 sensor test data. Should the vehicle set a hard trouble code, Freeze Frame Data can also be viewedl. Further capabilities include displaying I/M, emissions readiness status and MIL status. The 903 will display the VIN numbers and calibration IDs of 2002 and newer vehicles supporting Mode 9. Code Buddy PRO features an easy-to-read six-line, backlit LCD display.  Adjustment menus allow changing of SAE and metric unit of measurement, language and screen contrast. 

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Photo courtesy of Autoland Scientech
Photo courtesy of GEARWRENCH
Photo courtesy of GEARWRENCH