AASA, IMR offer research discount to full- service aftermarket manufacturers

Jan. 1, 2020
The Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA) and IMR Inc. announce a new benefit for AASA's full service automotive aftermarket manufacturer members ? a 10 percent discount on IMR's new 2012 Repair Shop Syndicated Research.
The Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA) and IMR Inc. announce a new benefit for AASA’s full service automotive aftermarket manufacturer members – a 10 percent discount on IMR’s new 2012 Repair Shop Syndicated Research.

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“Understanding the factors that influence and motivate service professionals is vital for AASA members as they build brand loyalty and create value for their customers,” says Steve Handschuh, president and COO of AASA. “IMR’s wide-ranging syndicated research of independent repair facilities will be a valuable tool for member companies’ planning and market analysis. This member offering from IMR is an important follow-up to the ‘AASA Aftermarket Outlook 2020’ study which highlighted the importance of manufacturers understanding of the end user – service professionals.”

“IMR’s syndicated research has helped many aftermarket companies understand how repair shops behave, and how their brands and products perform against the competition,” says Bill Thompson, president and CEO of IMR Inc. “We are pleased to provide AASA manufacturer members with our tracking of shop purchasing behavior and documentation of channel partner usage, parts purchasing behavior, brand recognition, brand preference, brand usage, channel partner solicitation trends, buying habits, loyalty factors, demographics and much more.”

In addition to the discount, AASA and IMR will include a new section in the quarterly AASA Aftermarket Supplier Barometer report distributed to member companies that participate in the survey. IMR value-added information will include a “Shop Business Barometer,” and trending of which channel partners shop owners are patronizing.

Full details about the AASA member discount on IMR repair shop syndicated research is available at the association Web site, www.aftermarketsuppliers.org.

The research includes: Shop Insights – in-depth monthly reports on:
  • channel partner awareness (aided/unaided)
  • channel partner usage and consideration
  • first, second and third call channel partner
  • percentage of parts purchased from primary channel partner
  • primary channel partner overall satisfaction
  • importance of key channel partner attributes
  • primary channel partner key attribute satisfaction ratings
  • primary channel partner recommendations and future
Category Insights – in-depth analysis of types of service being performed and brands used, including:
  • average number installed
  • breakdown of domestic/Asian/European vehicles brought in for repair
  • brand awareness (aided/unaided)
  • brand usage and consideration
  • preferred brand
  • brand primarily used and others used
  • importance of key brand attributes
  • primary brand key attribute satisfaction ratings
  • good/better/best parts usage
  • premium brand considerations
  • Shop Demographic – details such as:
    • average number of technicians and bays in each shop
    • average number of vehicles serviced
    • average dollar value of ROs

For more information, call 800-654-1079, e- mail Info @AutomotiveResearch.com or visit www.AutomotiveResearch.com .

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