Hart Marx Advisors acquires Marx Group Advisors, an aftermarket mergers, acquisitions specialist firm

March 8, 2016
Hart Marx Advisors LLC, a newly formed partnership between aftermarket veterans Devin Hart and Tom Marx, has acquired the assets of Marx Group Advisors. The new entity will continue to provide industry specific guidance and expertise to companies within the aftermarket in the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) arena.

Hart Marx Advisors LLC, a newly formed partnership between aftermarket veterans Devin Hart and Tom Marx, has acquired the assets of Marx Group Advisors. The new entity will continue to provide industry specific guidance and expertise to companies within the aftermarket in the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) arena.

Hart has been named managing partner of the new firm. Partner Tom Marx, founder and owner of The Marx Group Inc., a company with a solid reputation as a leading aftermarket marketing communications firm, sees the move as complementary for both companies’ growth. Hart was named president and co-CEO of The Marx Group in 2015. Marx is also co-CEO of The Marx Group.

Most recently, Hart and Marx addressed the topic of growth, “How You Can Benefit from Aftermarket Consolidation” at the CAWA leadership conference that was held in Napa, Calif. The session was well received by an audience of distributors and suppliers, especially in light of constant consolidation activity facing leaders in the aftermarket, and a current business environment that is driving M&A activities to all-time high levels.

“Consolidation introduces change and with it opportunity to achieve growth beyond current industry standard projections for organic-only growth,” said Marx. “We wanted to address those concerns and look at ways aftermarket leaders can effectively manage their company’s growth, as well as capitalize on opportunities that present themselves during this period of strong consolidation activity.”

Combined, Hart and Marx have more than 25 years of experience in the M&A field, with many more years of aftermarket business management experience. The new organization said it will be more capable than ever before, as the firm accesses a formidable network of relationships within the Tier 1/Tier 2 and automotive, performance and commercial vehicle aftermarkets.

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