Unlock the potential of key programming

May 3, 2021
Being equipped to program keys offers shops the ability to bring in more revenue.
Photo courtesy of XToolUSA
By cutting and programming keys, a shop can provide their customers with a unique service at a fraction of the price a dealership would offer.
By cutting and programming keys, a shop can provide their customers with a unique service at a fraction of the price a dealership would offer.

Key programming is a service many shops don’t offer, but it’s a service that has the potential to bring in a large amount of revenue.

“Vehicle key programming is a process of reprogramming a preset blank chip in a new car key so that it would allow that new key to operate that vehicle and its various functions,” said Haresh Gobin, product development manager for Launch Tech USA.

Though this may sound like a daunting task, XToolUSA’s AutoPro Pad Product Manager, Tyler Anzalone, described key programming as a “very simple” and “very quick” process.

One of the biggest issues with breaking into key programming is that shops don’t have the right tools and equipment for the job.

Tools and equipment

The necessary tools and equipment for key programming will vary based on the job, but overall, key programming can be broken down into two scenarios, explained Vinie Putrino, a lead ADAS technician for Autel.

  1. Adding a key to a vehicle that already has one or more working keys.
  2. Programming a key when there are no working keys – an all keys lost situation.

In the first scenario, all the technician needs are the new key to program and a scan tool with key programming capabilities. Brain Wendl, a Mac Tools mobile tool distributor, warned that, “There are few scan tools on the market that will do [key programming.] An Autel or Launch [Tech USA scan tool] will have some key functionality, but it’s not going to be all keys.”

Additionally, he noted that many of the dealership technicians he serves prefer using a scan tool like Launch Tech’s because it enables them to program their keys faster than with the dealer tool.

In the second scenario, technicians may need a more specialized tool to handle the programming.

“Some repair procedures will require direct connection to the vehicle’s immobilizer ECU,” Putrino said, “which will first need to be removed from the car, and then connected to using a large variety of connectors.”

Autel’s IM608 Immobilizer Scan Tool and Launch Tech’s X-Prog3 Immobilizer Programmer are examples of tools a technician could use in either scenario.

To take things one step further with key programming, shops could also cut the keys themselves. A kit such as XToolUSA’s Key Making System would allow them to do just that. The system includes their Nitro bidirectional scan tool for programming the keys, their Triton key cutting machine, and Nitrous Keys.

Licensing requirements

Before a technician can dive into key programming, they must look into procuring a registered locksmith ID (LSID). An LSID is a credential that identifies the technician as a registered vehicle security professional (VSP). As a VSP technicians have secure access to key, immobilizer, and PIN codes through the National Automotive Service Task Force’s Secure Data Release Model. Having this access is essential to resolving an all keys lost situation.

In addition to having an LSID, Putrino cautioned that technicians should be aware there may be specific security requirements put in place by the manufacturer that must be handled before programming a new key.

Sales Tips

The biggest incentive a mobile tool dealer can provide a shop for purchasing key programming tools is the revenue they’ll be able make off of selling keys. Whether the shop is only programming keys or cutting and programming keys, they’ll be providing a service not many do.

Many people only have one key for their vehicle, pointed out Scott Gompper, national sales manager for XToolUSA, but for certain repairs technicians need two keys and most people prefer to have a spare key in case of emergencies.

“OE dealerships can charge upwards of $500 just to program the key FOB alone depending on the model,” Launch Tech’s Gobin said. “Shops would be able to offer a replacement key and offer the programming for a fraction of that price and help the customer be on their way.”

About the Author

Emily Markham | Editor | PTEN and Professional Distributor

Emily Markham is the editor of  Professional Tool & Equipment News (PTEN) and Professional Distributor magazines. She has been writing about the automotive aftermarket since 2019, after graduating from UW-La Crosse with a bachelor's degree in English. During her first three years with Endeavor Business Media's Vehicle Repair Group, Markham also wrote for Fleet Maintenance magazine. 

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