The future of business

Sept. 6, 2023
AI is on the rise, so here are a few ways you can incorporate it to help with your business.

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AI is everywhere nowadays. Whether it’s asking Siri to schedule a reminder to call the dentist or telling Google to add eggs to your grocery list, it’s becoming a part of many of our everyday lives. While some people are still unsure about the technology, those who have embraced it have not only utilized it in their personal lives, but some have also looked to add it to their professional lives as well.

In this month’s Go Sell Something article, Alan Sipe discusses an email he received from a friend who put AI to the test and asked ChatGPT to put together a few paragraphs on teaching people how to sell tools. After reading through the AI’s quick how-to, Sipe admits that it does hit many of the topics he stresses in his monthly articles and goes on to expand those points into a full lesson on selling tools.

However, what Sipe does not mention in his article is how mobile tool distributors can use AI to help their businesses. Whether you’re looking to just dip your toe into the AI waters or are taking a deep breath to dive right in, here are a few suggestions on how you can use AI to help run your business.

  • Customer experience: Though many of your interactions with customers happen face-to-face, there are still plenty of phone calls, emails, texts, etc. to field as a mobile tool distributor, so why not try using chatbots? Using chatbots as your first line of customer engagement requires less effort on your part while also providing your customers with faster responses and will potentially handle the issue entirely without your involvement, leaving more time for you to take care of other matters.
  • Marketing: If you’re looking to create more personalized marketing AI can help. AI technology can be used to collect and analyze customer data such as behavior, preferences, and demographics to create personalized marketing messages through email campaigns, social media ads, and other content.
  • Content creation: Much like Sipe’s friend, you could also use AI to look up pointers on how to sell tools or to help you create product presentations, social media posts, email promotions, and other content for your business. However, when asking AI to help you create content, be sure to carefully look it over before actually using it. AI is a useful tool, but it doesn’t always get things right, so you’ll need to check that the content is high-quality and matches your business’ voice.

With AI on the rise, it’s only a matter of time before it becomes the norm for many business practices. Do you use any AI programs to help run your business? If so, for what? Or are you, perhaps, in the midst of adding AI? Or are you among those who would rather steer clear of AI altogether? Please feel free to send me an email at [email protected] and let me know your thoughts on AI.

About the Author

Emily Markham | Editor | PTEN and Professional Distributor

Emily Markham is the editor of  Professional Tool & Equipment News (PTEN) and Professional Distributor magazines. She has been writing about the automotive aftermarket since 2019, after graduating from UW-La Crosse with a bachelor's degree in English. During her first three years with Endeavor Business Media's Vehicle Repair Group, Markham also wrote for Fleet Maintenance magazine. 

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