John Bean introduced two new accessories for the V6200 heavy duty wheel aligner. The accessories are designed to add support for vehicles that have additional axle configurations and also to expand coverage to measure trailers where the truck and trailer combined are longer than the standard bay.
Featuring durable, lightweight aluminum construction that separates into three pieces for easy storage, the V6200 Trailer Bar sits on a stand creating a stable environment for repeatable, accurate alignment readings. The extra set of all-aluminum wheel clamps are light weight and easily mounted to a wide range of wheels, supporting inside and outside clamping.
“Used in conjunction with our V6200 aligner, these innovative John Bean accessories help shops service a variety of heavy duty vehicles effectively and efficiently,” said Adam Brown, product manager for John Bean. “By giving shops more options for alignment jobs on medium and heavy-duty trucks, as well as other vehicles like buses, semis and mobile cranes, the V6200 and its innovative accessories are a valuable addition to any shop, helping to increase productivity no matter the size of the bay or the heavy-duty vehicle serviced.”
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