Motor Age Training helps you get ready to pass whatever ASE certification is on you're working towards. From heavy duty to alternate fuels, we have the study guides that you need. One of our most popular offerings is the ASE L1 Advanced Engine Performance study guide and practice test, which provides automotive service repair professionals the knowledge to successfully take and pass the ASE L1 Advanced Engine Performance certification exam. This guide offers detailed illustrations and the most current L1 certification task list provided by ASE for anyone preparing for the exam. Most importantly, this book contains details on the L1 Composite Vehicle Type 4, which is essential for passing the certification exam.
The back of the book contains an ASE practice test with 82 questions written in the exact style of the ASE certification exam. Below is an excerpt of these questions. You can find the answers upside down at the bottom of the page. Good luck!
1. A cylinder leakage test is being performed on an overhead valve V8 engine. When air is applied to the No. 5 cylinder, a hissing noise is heard from the tailpipe. Technician A says that the cam lobe for the No. 5 exhaust valve could be worn down. Technician B says that the No. 5 exhaust valve could be burned. Who is right?
A. Technician A only
B. Technician B only
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
2. All of the following statements regarding the schematic shown in Figure 1 are true EXCEPT:
A. The solenoid coil receives battery power at KOEO and KOER.
B. A blown 20A fuse would result in 0 volts at ECM terminal 23.
C. The EGR valve is shown in the de-energized state.
D. The pintle position sensor is shown at approximately the 2.5V position.
3. The composite vehicle fails a loaded mode I/M test for excessive hydrocarbons. Which of the following is the root cause of the problem?
A. Shorted CMP signal wire to the ECM
B. Open CKP sensor
C. Poor connection at ECM terminal 19
D. Blown fuse No. 4
4. Two technicians are discussing the injector waveform shown in Figure 2. Technician A says that the waveform is typical of a peak and hold injector. Technician B says that the rise in control circuit voltage is normal. Who is right?
A. Technician A only
B. Technician B only
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
5. The EFE heater stays energized all the time on an engine with TBI. Which of the following symptoms would not be associated with this condition?
A. Poor cold drivability
B. Spark knock
C. Lack of power
D. Excessive NOx emissions
6. A vehicle with throttle body injection failed the ASM5015 test based on the Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR) in Figure 3. Technician A says that the gas readings could be the result of a bad catalytic converter. Technician B says that the engine may have a leaking throttle body gasket. Who is right?
A. Technician A only
B. Technician B only
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
7. What conclusion can be drawn from the I/M 240 inspection report shown in Figure 4?
A. The vehicle passed.
B. The vehicle failed for high HC.
C. The vehicle failed for high NOx.
D. The vehicle failed for high HC and CO.
8. All of the following will disable the air conditioner compressor clutch on the composite vehicle EXCEPT:
A. A shorted A/C request switch
B. An open circuit at pin B of the A/C pressure sensor
C. An open circuit at pin A of the A/C pressure sensor
D. An open circuit at pin 9 of the ECM
1. B
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. A
7. C
8. A