Snap-on Diagnostics National Trainer Jason Gabrenas hosts industry training sessions every Tuesday on a variety of topics. The company announced new dates and topics in a recent press releaes.
Aug. 22: Current Probes and Pressure Transducers – What Are You Missing?
Aug. 29: Diagnostics Comparison: Medium Duty vs. Light Duty Vehicles
Sept. 5: Guided Component Testing – Simplify Your Diagnostics
Sept. 12: The Power of SureTrack Information
Sept. 19: Reveal the Unseen: Thermal Imaging
Sept. 26: Current Probes and Pressure Transducers – What Are You Missing?
Oct. 3: Diagnostics Comparison: Medium Duty vs. Light Duty
Oct. 10: Guided Component Testing – Simplify Your Diagnostics
Oct. 17: The Power of SureTrack Information
Sessions are free and are around a half hour in length, with additional time for questions. Two time slots are available on each day of training. The first is 6 p.m. Eastern, and the second is 9 p.m. Eastern. Registration is encouraged at this link.
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