High school skills club gains working knowledge from destroying vehicles and repairing them
Jan. 19, 2015
The automotive program provides students with job skills training in addition to teaching them practical applications of reading, math, science and other areas of study.
Seth Dalton, a student of the Skills program at South Campus, lets loose with a hammer at a football game in fall 2014.
The Americus-Sumter County High School Skills Club will be competing in the regional Skills championships on Jan. 23 at West Georgia Tech in LaGrange, Ga. The automotive program provides students with job skills training in addition to teaching them practical applications of reading, math, science and other areas of study. The Skills USA club, overseen by Frederick Mohl, was born from the automotive program.
Mohl sees the club as an excellent opportunity to learn.
“It’s teaching the students a lot of things without them actually realizing they are learning them,” he said. “They just think they are tearing down and building a motor, but in the process of doing that they are learning a whole lot of other things from math and science skills to team skills to practical mechanical applications they would use every day in a shop.”
This year’s team has qualified to compete in the national Skills USA competition this year.
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