Fluke Corporation

Everett, WA 98203


About Fluke Corporation


6920 Seaway Blvd
Everett, WA 98203

More Info on Fluke Corporation

Products & Press Releases

Photo from Fluke Corporation
5.5mm Scope with 0.7m Articulating Camera Probe
Inspection Tools

5.5mm Scope with 0.7m Articulating Camera Probe

June 16, 2023
The Fluke 5.5mm Scope with 0.7m Articulating Camera Probe is compatible with the Fluke DS703 FC Video Borescope. The high-definition camera head provides ideal resolution at 1280...
Fluke 1587 Fc Multimeter
Electrical System Tools & Equipment

1587 FC Insulation Multimeter

Feb. 3, 2020
The Fluke 1587 FC Insulation Multimeter combines a high performance multimeter with a 1000V insulation tester. It wirelessly communicates the results quickly while the user stays...
Fluke TK80 Thermocouple module
Tool Accessories

Thermocouple Module, No.80TK

Jan. 30, 2017
The Fluke Thermocouple Module, No. 80TK, converts a digital multimeter to a thermometer, for use with type-K thermocouples in low-voltage applications (below 24V AC, 60V DC). ...
fluke pv350 process tool accessory 56085c1e422f2
Electrical System Tools & Equipment

Pressure Vacuum Module, No. PV350

Sept. 27, 2015
The Fluke Pressure Vacuum Module, No. PV350, turns a digital multimeter into a complete measuring system, adding digital pressure and vacuum measurements to the existing capabilities...
Fluke 233 A 54652881ebf88
Electrical System Tools & Equipment

233/A meter

Nov. 13, 2014
The Fluke 233/A meter allows technicians to place the display up to 33' from the point of measurement. The removable display has a magnetic back and flat bottom so it can be mounted...
Flukerld2leakdetectorflashligh 11322075
Leak Detection

Fluke refrigerant leak detector, RLD2

March 4, 2014
The Fluke RLD2 will highlight refrigerant leaks if there is an IR dye in the refrigerant. The compact UV flashlight uncovers refrigerant leaks instantly with standard leak detection...
VT04 Visual IR Thermometer
Repair Information Sources

VT04 Visual IR Thermometer

Sept. 30, 2013
The VT04 Visual IR Thermometer from Fluke works as an infrared troubleshooting tool with a built-in digital camera and thermal heat map overlay that bridges the gap between traditional...
10) Fluke 233 wireless remote display digital multimeter
Repair Information Sources

Fluke 233 Wireless Remote Display Digital Multimeter

Aug. 16, 2013
Fluke's 233 wireless remote display digital multimeter with removable magnetic display allows a user to be 30' away from the measurement point. Users can place the removable display...
Digital Multimeter, No. 81438
Repair Information Sources

Digital Multimeter, No. 81438

Aug. 8, 2013
The Fluke Digital Multimeter, No. 81438, features true-RMS, AC voltage and current readings to 10 amp, 6,000-count resolution, min/max/average, frequency and capacitance capabilities...
Fluke 80i-110 Low Amp Current Probe
Electrical System Tools & Equipment

Low Amp Current Probe No. 80i-110

July 25, 2013
Accurate current measurements become more and more critical when troubleshooting electronic, and automotive circuits. The Fluke Low Amp Current Probe, No. 80i-110, is an AC/DC...

Articles & News

Wiha Tools Insulated 80 Piece Set In Rolling Tool Case, No. 32800.
The Garage

Electric vehicle tool set

Feb. 6, 2020
To remain safe when servicing electric vehicles, it is important to use properly rated tools and personal protective equipment.
Fig. 1: The Matco CM600 shows that the current through the fans is 4.1 amps on the current probe.
Battery and Electrical

Tool Briefing: Determine the cause of engine overheating

March 10, 2014
2005 Dodge Magnum uses a series/parallel fan design, holding key to circuit failure.
Scot Manna finds his PicoScope to be his most versatile tool.
The Garage

Tools for the forward-thinking veteran

Sept. 6, 2013
Scot Manna keeps up to date on tools despite three decades as a service tech.
Alex Portillo using the Fluke VT02 on a 2008 BMW X3.
Tool Reviews

Tool Review: Fluke VT02 Visual IR Thermometer

Sept. 6, 2013
Reviewer finds that the thermal imaging tool works "exactly as advertised."
Dave Lang uses the Automotive Test Solutions Escope Pro 8-channel, twin-time-base labscope to view electrical circuits quickly in the cars that come into his shop nowadays.

Top 10 Tools: David Lang, Independent Vehicle Service Inc.

April 5, 2013
The bulk of the company's revenue comes from brake repair, clutch repair, maintenance services and alignments.
Fluke233 10176747
Tool Reviews

Tool Review: Fluke Manufacturing 233/A digital multimeter

Oct. 1, 2010
The Fluke 233/A digital multimeter features a detachable wireless display. By sliding the wireless display out of the meter body, the user can place the display where it is most...
1228774533187 10330443

Your Top 10 Tools

Dec. 9, 2008
Our new feature on your favorite tools. Send in your list and you could win free tools!

Videos & Resources

1660628632 10979709

Wrenchin Roger: how to use a thermal imaging tool

July 1, 2013
Types of repairs a visual thermometer might help techs with in the shop.
Screen Shot 2013 06 21 At 1 12 22 Pm

VSP News: Industry Insights, Episode 9 - A/C Service and Repair Products

June 24, 2013
An overview of different air conditioning service products to consider for your shop.
1660628632 10832441
Diagnostics and Drivability

Wrenchin Roger at AAPEX 2012: Fluke thermal imager

Nov. 20, 2012
Wrenchin' Roger checks out one of Fluke's latest thermal imagers. He talks about how thermal imagers can help pinpoint parastic draw or a address heater core issues. Watch the...

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All content from Fluke Corporation

VT02 Visual IR Thermometer
Repair Information Sources

VT02 Visual IR Thermometer

March 6, 2013
Fluke's VT02 Visual IR Thermometer, a troubleshooting camera with an infrared heat map, bridges the gap between low cost IR thermometers and higher priced thermal imagers. Use...
Fluke365clampmeter 10247305
Electrical System Tools & Equipment

365 Clamp Meter

Nov. 26, 2012
The Fluke 365 clamp meter gives technicians access to difficult-to-reach wires. The 365 has a thin, small, detachable jaw with a flexible lead, allowing access to wires and viewing...
Flukethermalimagingnoti9 10327341
Specialty Tools

Thermal Imager No. Ti9

Aug. 17, 2011
Fluke Corporation introduces the high-performance, affordable Ti9 Thermal Imager, that is ideal for troubleshooting electrical problems. The Fluke Ti9 delivers crisp, clear images...
Fluke Stik Thermometer
Repair Information Sources

Stik Thermometer, No. 1551A and 1552A

June 22, 2011
Fluke's 1551A and 1552A “Stik” thermometers provide the measurement accuracy, durability and safety required for industries such as oil and gas production and petrochemicals—with...
Flukecorptl175twistguardtestle 10264909
Electrical System Tools & Equipment

TL175 TwistGuard Test Leads

May 11, 2011
Fluke Corp.'s TL175 TwistGuard Test Leads, include a manually adjustable test tip guard for use in different measurement environments. By simply twisting the test lead the user...
Automotivedigitalmultimeterkit 10131174
Shop Management and Point of Sale

Digital Multimeter

March 15, 2010
Fluke Corporation's 233/A Wireless Remote Display Automotive Digital Multimeter Kit is the industry's first digital multimeter with a detachable wireless display, designed specifically...
Fluke233 10106785

Fluke 233/A

Feb. 23, 2010
The Fluke 233/A digital multimeter features a detachable wireless display. By sliding the wireless display out of the meter body, the user can place the display where it is most...
Multimeterclampkitswithi400and322clampmeters 10104238
Electrical System Tools & Equipment

Multimeter-clamp kits with i400 and 322 Clamp Meters

June 29, 2009
The new Fluke multimeter-clamp kits combine one of three Fluke digital multimeters - the Fluke 289 Industrial Logging Multimeter, Fluke 87V True RMS Industrial Digital Multimeter...
Flukeextremecasesbypelican 10102800
Toolboxes and Tool Carts

Fluke Extreme Cases by Pelican

Dec. 2, 2008
Fluke Corp. introduced Extreme Cases, tough and durable protective cases to hold the company's advanced digital multimeters. Three models are available, with inserts adapted to...
Flukeextremecases 10130210
Repair Information Sources

Fluke Extreme Cases

Nov. 5, 2008
Fluke Corporation has introduced three incredibly tough and durable new protective cases to hold the company's advanced digital multimeters (DMMs). Fluke Extreme Cases are made...

Software Upgrade For 287 and 298 True-RMS Multimeters

Sept. 22, 2008
Fluke Corporation, the global leader in handheld electronic test and measurement technology, announces a new, free software package for the powerful Fluke 287 and 289 True-RMS...
Flukeaccessorycatalog 10129685
Training Products and Tools

Fluke Accessory Catalog

Aug. 8, 2008
Fluke Corporation, the global leader in handheld electronic test and measurement technology, has released a new catalog of Fluke accessories that vastly expands the functionality...
Fluke88vmultimeter 10100018
Electrical System Tools & Equipment

88V Multimeter

Feb. 26, 2008
The Fluke 88V Automotive Multimeter, available in twio configurations, the EEDM88V stand alone meter and the EEDM88V Automotive Multimeter Combo Kit. The Fluke 88V has a 30 percent...
Fluke88virautomotivemultimetercombokit 10127310
Shop Management and Point of Sale

Fluke 88V-IR Automotive Multimeter Combo Kit

June 25, 2007
Fluke Corporation introduces the Fluke 88V-IR Automotive Multimeter Combo Kit designed to provide automotive professionals with a complete and accurate toolkit at a value price...
88vautomotivemultimeterandkit 10126636
Repair Information Sources

88V Automotive Multimeter and Kit

June 25, 2007
Fluke and Snap-on have partnered to bring the automotive technician the most advanced digital multimeter on the market. The new Fluke 88V has features making it versatile enough...
Fluke 87V Digital Multimeter
Repair Information Sources

87V Digital Multimeter

June 25, 2007
Fluke introduces 87V Digital Multimeter. The advanced circuitry of the 87V DMM is capable of accurately measuring voltage and frequency on adjustable speed motor drive systems...
Flukemetercleanerwipes 10125960
Product Guide

Fluke Meter Cleaner Wipes

June 25, 2007
Shop Equip Fluke Meter Cleaner Wipes is a new product for maintaing Fluke test tools in like-new appearance. The clothes are pre-moistened with orange citrus-based, non-toxic ...
Product Guide

Fluke 61 Infrared Thermometer

June 25, 2007
Fluke Corporation introduces the 61 Infrared Thermometer, ideal for measuring rotating, electrically live, dangerously oht or hard-to-reach objects. When the single button is ...