The hybrid motor generator, along with its associated systems and components like the DC-to-DC converter and the DC-to-AC inverter, plays a pivotal role in modern hybrid vehicles...
The integration of advanced electric motor technology is a key component of the constantly changing automotive sector. Encoder motors and their close cousin smart motors are two...
The basic concept of regenerative, or recuperative braking, is to hold off using the conventional hydraulic brakes and let the drive wheels slow down an EV using the high voltage...
The Electric Vehicle 12V Battery SafetyPower Diagnostic System, No. xLVS-9000, from Midtronics, features SafetyPower Diagnostics powered by MDX-AI. The system is designed to ensure...
HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) has been used to describe what happens in the cabin to keep people comfortable while driving. We need to stop using that term...
The PPDRAW from Power Probe is designed to help technicians monitor parasitic draw and serves as a memory saver during battery replacement. The PPDRAW delivers up to 10A of continuous...