MotorVac Technologies

Mississauga L4Y 1M5


About MotorVac Technologies


1324 Blundell Rd.
Mississauga L4Y 1M5

More Info on MotorVac Technologies

Motorvaclogo 10270725

MotorVac offers a complete line of fluid exchange and diagnostic equipment, leak detection devices, proprietary chemical solutions and service kits that support a comprehensive preventive maintenance program for the installer.

Products & Press Releases

MotorVac CoolSmoke Multi-Pressure Diagnostic System from CPS Products
Leak Detection

CoolSmoke Multi-Pressure Diagnostic System

April 4, 2023
The MotorVac Technologies CoolSmoke Multi-Pressure Diagnostic System is designed to assist with all types of automotive repairs, including wind/water, vacuum, exhaust, and EVAP...
500 0467 Group

GDI Cleaning Solution

Aug. 29, 2018
The MotorVac GDI Cleaning Solution offers unique chemicals and an application process that removes up to 65 percent more deposits than existing methods, according to the company...
Cps 500 0170 Egr Tool

DieselTune Emissions and Intake Cleaning Tool

July 24, 2018
The MotorVac DieselTune Emissions and Intake Cleaning Tool is designed to clean diesel EGR systems. EGR Systems can become clogged with carbon deposits that affect fuel economy...
500 0150 Cool Smoke Hp 590b80f6861d1
Leak Detection

Cool Smoke HP, No. 500-0150

May 2, 2017
The MotorVac Cool Smoke HP, No. 500-0150, delivers dense, visible smoke and OEM-approved UV dye from three to 60 psi. It reliably detects leaks in any boosted gasoline or diesel...
500 0150 Cool Smoke HP 57717e47b3387
Repair Information Sources

Cool Smoke HP, No. 500-0150

April 18, 2016
The Motorvac Cool Smoke HP, No. 500-0150, addresses the emerging need for leak detection in forced induction and other high-pressure systems. This tool's proprietary technology...
Transtechiiipic 10270993
Oil, Lube, and Fluid Equipment

TransTech III

Sept. 26, 2012
The MotorVac TransTech III's advanced electronic interface allows complete, "one touch" control. This system offers a quick and easy "drain pan" function for transmission filter...
3) CarbonCLean 1000 Fuel System Cleaning machine
Engine Service and Repair Tools

CarbonClean 1000 Fuel System Cleaning machine

March 14, 2012
MotorVac’s CarbonClean 1000 Fuel System Cleaning machine, combined with its MV-5 and MV-6 Fuel System Cleaner and Engine Decarbonizer fluid, is an all-in-one fuel system cleaning...
Uviewcoolsmoke 10276421
Product Guide

Cool Smoke No. 500-0100

May 24, 2011
MotorVac introduces the next generation of EVAP leak detection technology, with the Cool Smoke, No. 500-0100. The patented process does not use a heat source to generate it's ...
Transtech1000pic 10270992
Engine Service and Repair Tools

TransTech 1000 transmission fluid exchange machine

May 17, 2011
The MotorVac TransTech 1000 can perform a fast and basic automatic transmission fluid exchange, and do it using a very simple process. TransTech 1000 Transmission Service System...
Mvtranstechivleftcornerview 10270995
Repair Information Sources

TransTech IV

May 17, 2011
The MotorVac TransTech IV combines both inline and dipstick capabilities allowing for the two most common methods of ATF exchange from a single machine. The conventional ATF exchange...

Articles & News

Photo courtesy of SP Tools/Schley Products
The SP Tools Injector Puller Kit, No. 16400, is designed to remove diesel injectors on 2011-2016 GM pickup trucks equipped with the Duramax LML engine.
Tool Distributor

Dealing with diesel engine service

Aug. 3, 2018
Introduce customers to specialty tools that can help resolve their diesel engine woes.
From left to right: Bud Dunton, Don Cranston, John Meyerhofer, Marsha Meyerhofer, Jeff Wangerin. Kristie Lancaster not pictured.
Service Repair

Running on tradition

July 21, 2014
Owner John Meyerhofer keeps his technicians up-to-date with training, while still maintaining a traditional repair shop.
The tech pumps the Redline Easy Intake to seal off the vehicles intake duct and to introduce smoke into the intake system. For more information, go to
Diagnostics and Drivability

How to find vacuum leaks on a flex fuel vehicle

May 8, 2014
Pinpoint vacuum leaks on a 2004 Chevy Surburban 5.3L Flex Fuel vehicle.
Arranged like a bowling alley, the shop is open and roomy.

The Jewel in the Crown

May 4, 2012
RadAir Complete Car Care's newest location was built from scratch

Videos & Resources

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VIDEO: MotorVac EGR Cleaning System Introduction

Jan. 4, 2017
MotorVac introduces the emissions and intake cleaning system, the EGR Cleaning System.

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All content from MotorVac Technologies

2000002stoolcanister 10270996
Compressed Air Systems

S-Tool Canister

May 17, 2011
The MotorVac S-Tool Canister performs a fast, simple and safe intake system cleaning in just minutes. This efficient process results in a highly affordable and profitable add-...
2008667 Ics Kit 10270997
Engine Service and Repair Tools


May 17, 2011
MotorVac offers the ICS Kit, to use as part of the Carbon Clean System. Use it in conjunction with the Carbon Clean Service or on it’s own as part of a regular maintenance program...
5000200carboncleansystemii1 10270998
Compressed Air Systems

CarbonClean System II

May 17, 2011
The MotorVac CarbonClean System II two-line cleaning system connects to the engine through vehicle-specific adapters, temporarily taking the place of the vehicles fuel supply ...
Carbonclean245pic 10270999
Engine Service and Repair Tools

CarbonClean 245 cleaning system

May 17, 2011
MotorVac’s CarbonClean 245 two-line cleaning system connects to the engine using vehicle-specific adapters, temporarily replacing the vehicles fuel system. During the first cleaning...
U View Cool Smoke
Repair Information Sources

Cool Smoke EVAP Leak Detection System, No. 500-0100

March 14, 2011
The MotorVac Cool Smoke EVAP Leak Detection System, No. 500-0100, features a patented process that does not use a heat source to generate it's UV dye-enhanced smoke. The Cool ...
Transtech 10164702
Engine Service and Repair Tools

TransTech IV

Aug. 10, 2010
MotorVac's TransTech IV combines both in-line and dipstick capabilities allowing for the two most common methods of automatic transmission fluid (ATF) exchange from a single machine...
Dieselfueltreatment 10101949

Diesel Fuel Treatment

June 20, 2008
MotorVac Technologies Diesel Fuel Treatment is formulated to condition and protect the entire fuel system. The treatment reduces vehicle fuel consumption and octane emissions,...
Brakevaciino 10101951
Brake Service and Tools

BrakeVac II, No. MBV 8100

June 20, 2008
Motorvac BrakeVacII MotorVac's BrakeVac II, No. MBV 8100, can complete a full brake system flush in ten minutes, while incorporating an air pressure regulator and gauge to control...
Mcs352carboncleandualsystem 10101558

MCS 352 CarbonClean Dual System

June 20, 2008
New from Motorvac is their MCS 352 CarbonClean Dual System, which can be used to clean both gasoline and diesel engine fuel systems. When used with the company's line of detergents...
Fluidvac1000 10101883
Engine Service and Repair Tools

Fluid-Vac 1000

June 20, 2008
More fluid exchange alternatives MotorVac Technologies' Fluid-Vac 1000 is a general purpose machine that performs a safe and simple fluid exchange by operating directly from any...
Coolantclean1000 10101881
Engine Service and Repair Tools

CoolantClean 1000

June 20, 2008
The CoolantClean 1000 by MotorVac Technologies quickly exchanges the used coolant mixture in a vehicle's cooling system in just a few steps. Extracting coolant directly from the...
Fluidmaintenanceserviceequipmentpamphlet 10101792
Training Products and Tools

Fluid Maintenance Service Equipment Pamphlet

June 20, 2008
Motorvac tops their pamphlet with this question: Why should a shop buy Motorvac fluid maintenance service equipment? Then, the company cites the benefits of this line. As an example...
Oilcleanmof1000 10101784
Engine Service and Repair Tools

OilClean MOF 1000

June 20, 2008
Motorvac's recently unveiled OilClean MOF 1000 uses the company's specialized detergent to flush-out sludge and contaminants that can build up in the engine and lubrication system...
Coolantcleaniiimcf5100 10101776
Engine Service and Repair Tools

CoolantClean III MCF 5100

June 20, 2008
Motorvac launched the CoolantClean III MCF 5100, the third generation of their original machine. The system is designed to exchange virtually all used coolant in a few simple ...
Dieseltuneidt4000 10101608

DieselTune IDT 4000

June 20, 2008
Motorvac offers their DieselTune IDT 4000 fuel system service unit for use on diesel engines, including heavy-duty trucks. With automatic, microprocessor-based operation, the ...
Transtechsolutions 10101590

TransTech Solutions

June 20, 2008
Quiet Your Trans With MotorVac MotorVac's TransTech Solutions are non-hazardous and non-carcinogenic and offer a specialized formula that safely loosens and removes varnish, sludge...
Motorvac 500 7050 Steerclean 1 11665844
Suspension and Steering Service Tools

SteerClean 1000 Power Steering Exchange Machine No. 500-7050

June 20, 2008
The MotorVac SteerClean 1000 Power Steering Exchange Machine, No. 500-7050, is designed to perform an exchange in five minutes. This unit services both pump reservoirs and remote...
Industrialleakchek 10124134
Repair Information Sources

Industrial LeakChek™

June 25, 2007
The Industrial LeakChek™ from MotorVac Technologies is specifically designed for the heavy-duty industrial and truck markets. According to the company, LeakChek uses an invisible...