AASA goes beyond replacement parts

Jan. 1, 2020
In the latest of its 'Special Report' series, the Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA) examines the many processes and services which accompany quality products in, 'What Else Is in the Box' Beyond Aftermarket Replacement Parts.

In the latest of its “Special Report” series addressing aftermarket replacement parts quality, the Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA) examines the many processes and services which accompany quality products in, “What Else Is in the Box? Beyond Aftermarket Replacement Parts.”

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“There are many resources, including other AASA “Special Reports” that address the basic question of ‘what’s in the box,’” says Steve Handschuh, president and COO of AASA. “In our report, we address the broader question, “What else is in the box?” – those vital intangibles that go into producing and standing behind high quality replacement parts.”

“When it comes to choosing the right part for the job, technicians often ask, ‘What’s in the box?’ Simply looking at a part or even comparing it to the component being replaced is not enough,” notes Jack Cameron, AASA vice president and author of the report. “Parts that appear the same on the outside do not always perform as well as what was installed when the car was built.”

“What Else Is in the Box?” examines the important processes and services which accompany quality products, Cameron noted. Divided into three broad categories, these are incorporated prior to, during and even after the quality product is manufactured.

The processes and services provided by full service aftermarket suppliers include:

• Product specification and engineering
• Category management
• Quality control
• Product liability
• Intellectual property protection
• Supply chain management
• Application knowledge and technical support
• Defective product and labor claim protection

“When it comes to full service manufacturers’ products, there is far more in the box than the part. That is the basis of the Know Your Parts® slogan, ‘It’s What’s Inside That Counts,’” Cameron explains. “Just as the knowledge, experience, training and reputation of the professional technician who installs a part makes all the difference, so too, are the parts themselves. That’s why it is so important to remember what else is in the box when selecting a manufacturer,” he adds.

The AASA Special Report, “What Else Is in the Box? Beyond Aftermarket Replacement Parts,” is available through the AASA Web site at this link. AASA has many other resources and publications detailing the contributions of full service aftermarket suppliers, including its “Supplier Evaluation Standards.” For more information about the AASA Know Your Parts campaign, visit www.KnowYourParts.com.

About AASA
AASA exclusively serves manufacturers of aftermarket components, tools and equipment, and related products. It is a recognized industry change agent – promoting a collaborative industry environment, providing a forum to address issues and serving as a valued resource for members. AASA is an affiliate of the Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA). “AASA, The Voice for the Automotive Aftermarket Supplier Industry”

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