If you walk in the door of a business smiling, prepared, and expecting positive results, more often than not you will get what you’ve planned for.
There are lots of stories about salespeople negatively prequalifying sales encounters. Some are true and some are made up. Like the one about the store salesperson who treated an old man driving a beat-up F-150 pickup poorly assuming he had no money to buy anything nice. Who then turned out to be Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart, and one of the world’s richest individuals. He just liked driving his old F-150.
Approach every call with the seriousness it deserves and every customer with a smile and a positive mental attitude. Whether the customer is smiling or frowning it shouldn’t really matter. Just be a Boy (or Girl) Scout and be prepared and expect success. Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesperson and not the attitude of the prospect.
Now, go sell something!