When it comes to selling brake tools, Mac Tools distributor Rueben Meyer specifically advises keeping up with any dealerships along your route – if there’s a new brake tool that OEMs are recommending their technicians use for optimal performance, then chances are that another shop is going to need that tool soon, too. Likewise, if an experienced tech asks you for a specific tool, it can be beneficial to pick up an extra or two for the truck to recommend for the next time someone needs it.
He also recommends checking in with your more experienced technicians; are there any tools that the newbie keeps borrowing? Are they struggling with anything a better piece of equipment would help them with? Are they seeing more drum brakes or disc brakes lately?
"From a distributor's perspective, it's asking a little bit more and digging deeper; 'How are you receiving a brake job, and are you looking for other service opportunities to ensure that vehicle is roadworthy?’" Justin Fisette, senior product marketing manager at OTC, says.