NAFA Fleet Management Association

Princeton, NJ 8540


About NAFA Fleet Management Association


125 Village Blvd Suite 200
Princeton Forrestal Village
Princeton, NJ 8540

More Info on NAFA Fleet Management Association

NAFA is the world’s premier non-profit association for professionals who manage fleets of sedans, public safety vehicles, trucks, and buses of all types and sizes, and a wide range of military and off-road equipment for organizations across the globe. NAFA is the association for the diverse vehicle fleet management profession regardless of organizational type, geographic location or fleet composition. NAFA’s Full and Associate Members are responsible for the specification, acquisition, maintenance and repair, fueling, risk management, and remarketing of more than 3.5 million vehicles including in excess of 1.1 million trucks of which 350 thousand are medium- and heavy-duty trucks.

Products & Press Releases

Photo courtesy of NAFA
Bill Schankel, CAE, CEO of NAFA Fleet Management Association.
Industry News

NAFA announces new CEO

April 30, 2020
Bill Schankel, CAE, has been named CEO of NAFA Fleet Management Association after serving as interim CEO since August 2019.

Videos & Resources

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Service Repair

Fleet management and the connected vehicle

Oct. 11, 2016
This document provides recommendations from NAFA Fleet Management Association (NAFA), for consideration by policymakers, fleet managers, OEMs, vendors and the auto care industry...

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All content from NAFA Fleet Management Association

Training and Resources

NAFA announces new way to earn CAFS fleet certification

Sept. 2, 2016
NAFA’s CAFS program is based on the Association’s Certified Automotive Fleet Manager (CAFM) program, which tests individuals’ expertise in eight core disciplines of fleet management...

Submissions For NAFA’s 2016 Fleet Excellence Awards conclude In January

Dec. 30, 2015
The submission deadline to be a part of the Fleet Excellence Awards (FLEXY) submission process is January 10, 2016.
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Training and Resources

Online CAFM Boot Camp opens doors between students and training

Oct. 23, 2015
According to the NAFA Fleet Management Association, shrinking travel budgets and increasing responsibilities can create barriers that make it difficult to get out to Certified...

NAFA celebrates Earth Day by announcing sustainability program

April 22, 2015
NAFA, in collaboration with CALSTART, encourages fleet professionals to go green with its Sustainable Fleet Accreditation Program. The program was made available to fleets during...

Sustainable Fleet Accreditation Program announced at NAFA

April 15, 2015
NAFA Fleet Management Association’s program is a tool for fleet management professionals to help increase efficiency, reduce emissions and conserve fuel for their businesses.

Winners of the 2015 FLEXY Awards announced at NAFA

April 15, 2015
Industry leaders acted as judges in the selection process for finalists and winners.

Finalists for NAFA's 2015 Fleet Excellence Awards are announced

April 1, 2015
The Fleet Excellence Awards (or FLEXY for short) were designed to shine a spotlight on those who have impacted fleet management in both the corporate and public fleet segments...

NAFA unveils program and speakers for 2015 Institute and Expo

Jan. 22, 2015
NAFA, a non-profit association for fleet professionals, will hold its annual Institute and Expo (I&E) in Orlando, Fla., April 14-17.

NAFA opens submissions for 2015 Fleet Excellence Awards

Dec. 29, 2014
Open to everyone in fleet management, the FLEXYs are awarded in the fields of sustainability, safety and overall fleet management achievement. The submission process for the 2015...

NAFA invites NHTSA, EPA to tap into fleet knowledge for development of second phase of greenhouse gas standards

Sept. 8, 2014
NAFA Fleet Management Association is seeking a uniform, national program to address greenhouse gas emissions and fuel efficiency that reflects the commercial needs of vocational...

NAFA’s 2014 International Fleet Academy lauds global fleet education

July 23, 2014
Fleet professionals who attend NAFA’s 2014 International Fleet Academy learn from very knowledgeable individuals on the subject of global fleet management. Attendees can share...

NAFA and Fleet Management Weekly release second "I Am NAFA" video entry

July 21, 2014
Announced on July 7, the second “I Am NAFA” video was released featuring expert fleet manager Jose Gallardo, from NAFA's Arizona Chapter.

NAFA announces release of Fleet Information Management Guide

June 16, 2014
Just published, NAFA’s Fleet Information Management Guide provides a thorough review of the fundamentals of fleet information management (including fleet information management...

NAFA releases the 2014 International Fleet Academy agenda

June 9, 2014
The IFA's ageanda includes discussions regarding cloud-based location intelligence software platforms, to fleet centralization versus regionalized structure, standardization of...

NAFA 2014 conference reports largest fleet manager attendance in fleet industry

May 22, 2014
Close to 700 fleet management professionals registered for the conference, which took place April 8 -11 in Minneapolis, MN.

NAFA announces winners of 2014 Fleet Excellence Awards

April 29, 2014
NAFA's Fleet Excellence Awards, or the FLEXYs for short,

NAFA develops fleet sustainability program

April 11, 2014
NAFA intends to pioneer a movement in the fleet community which emphasizes the economic and environmental benefits and overall importance of sustainability.

NAFA announces finalists for 2014 Fleet Excellence Awards

March 31, 2014
The FLEXY awards shine a spotlight on those who have impacted fleet management in both the corporate and public fleet segments during the previous year.
Training and Resources

NAFA webinar helps fleet managers take control of fuel costs

March 11, 2014
Webinar will provide solutions for businesses and government agencies seeking more predictability in their fuel budget through research on energy prices and trends.

NAFA opens submissions for 2014 Fleet Excellence Awards

Dec. 2, 2013
For decades, fleet managers watched events like the Academy Awards and wished they had an industry award of their own; one that recognized the most significant achievements, innovative...
Training and Resources

NAFA to release global fleet guide at International Fleet Academy

Oct. 18, 2013
One of the most anticipated products in NAFA’s history will be under the spotlight during the Third Annual International Fleet Academy.
Industry News

NAFA partners with Italian fleet management association A.I.A.G.A.

Sept. 10, 2013
A.I.A.G.A. is Italy's largest fleet management association.
Service Repair

NAFA's International Fleet Academy has a new online home

Aug. 29, 2013
Visitors to can learn about the show.
Training and Resources

More high-profile fleet leaders join NAFA's International Fleet Academy faculty

Aug. 2, 2013
Attendees receive several value-added educational items to take back to the office.
Industry News

Utilimarc issues Vehicle Replacement Report for NAFA members

July 15, 2013
One of the most important aspects of fleet management is having a viable vehicle replacement strategy.
Training and Resources

NAFA Tuscon CAFM "Boot Camp"

Subjects covered in the CAFM program include Fleet Information Management, Maintenance Management, Professional Development, Vehicle Fuel Management, Asset Management, Business...
Training and Resources

NAFA Vancouver CAFM "Boot Camp"

Subjects covered in the CAFM program include Fleet Information Management, Maintenance Management, Professional Development, Vehicle Fuel Management, Asset Management, Business...
Training and Resources

NAFA offers CAFM "Boot Camps" in Tucson and Vancouver

July 8, 2013
For the first time ever NAFA will be holding Boot Camps in both America and Canada.
Industry News

LeasePlan endorses NAFA's certification programs

June 19, 2013
LeasePlan is first company to offer endorsement.
Industry News

NAFA announces winners of 2013 Fleet Excellence Awards

May 6, 2013
NAFA's event presented six industry awards to fleet professionals throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Industry News

New agreement paves way for NAFA's International Fleet Academy

March 12, 2013
The future of fleet management lies beyond the North American borders for many companies.

NAFA applauds extension of Alternative Fuels Excise Tax

Jan. 17, 2013
The extension continues a $1 per gallon tax credit for biodiesel and a $0.50 per gallon alternative fuel tax credit for natural gas and propane throughout 2013.
Service Repair

National Safety Council president and CEO announced as 2013 I&E keynote speaker

Jan. 14, 2013
Attendees to NAFA Fleet Management Association's 2013 Institute & Expo (I&E) will have the opportunity to listen to safety expert Janet Froetscher.
Training and Resources

NAFA announces Special Sustainability Sessions Provided By CALSTART

Dec. 20, 2012
NAFA's 2013 I&E takes place on April 23rd to 26th at the Atlantic City Convention Center.
Service Repair

NAFA's FleetED website gets redsigned

Dec. 8, 2012
Website designed for greater ease of use, improved fleet research.
Tool Distributor

Palm Beach County Fleet Director announces partnership with NAPA

Oct. 19, 2012
NAFA President Douglas Weichman, CAFM, Director of Fleet for Palm Beach County, partners with NAPA to deal with budget cuts

NAFA creates utility line clearance tree equipment committee

Sept. 27, 2012
Creation of NAFA's new Utility Line Clearance Tree Equipment Committee assists in tree clearance technology
Service Repair

Don't fall asleep behind the wheel

Sept. 19, 2012
Drive Safely Work Week 2012 emphasizes alert driving awareness
Service Repair

NAFA's emergency operations manual helps corporate fleets

Sept. 12, 2012
You can add Mother Nature to the list of obstacles faced by fleet managers these days
Training and Resources

NAFA introduces 2011-2012 CAFM graduating class

July 11, 2012
Organization appoints/elects 31 fleet professionals to make up this year's group.

Mastering International Fleet Management

Early-Bird Pricing:$695 Members/ $795 Non-Members (payment must be received by September 25, 2012)Regular Pricing: $770 Members/ $870 Non-Members (effective September 26, 2012...

2012 Alternative Clean Transportation Expo and NAFA Fleet Management Association announce partnership

March 19, 2012
Trucking organizations partner for North America's largest alternative fuel show.

NAFA announces Beyond Fleet campaign for fleet managers

March 7, 2012
Beyond Fleet campaign is centered on a series of internal and external initiatives designed to promote and advance the fleet management position.
Training and Resources

NAFA explains risk management with new webinar series

Jan. 5, 2012
The Risk Management 101 webinar series will run February 6 through March 1.
Industry News

NAFA urges DOE to rule on hybrid compliance credits

Oct. 19, 2011
For more than three years, certain state government and utility fleets (covered fleets) have been unable to use hybrid vehicles to meet environmental mandates instituted by the...
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Training Products and Tools

Fleet Maintenance Operations Guide

Sept. 2, 2009
NAFA's Fleet Maintenance Operations Guide is a must-have tool for all fleet professionals. Vehicle maintenance directly impacts every aspect of fleet management, from productivity...
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Training Products and Tools

Fuel Management Guide

Sept. 2, 2009
Understand your second largest fleet vehicle expense better with NAFA's Fuel Management Guide. This guide examines effective fuel management and how to minimize costs and mitigate...
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Training Products and Tools

NAFA's Fleet Maintenance Staffing Guide

June 25, 2007
This Guide (book and CD set) is the only complete source of information on staffing and organizing fleet maintenance operations. Order at the NAFA Store at ...
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Training Products and Tools

Fleet Management Information Guide CD

June 25, 2007
Arm yourself with technological knowledge with the National Association of Fleet Administrators (NAFA) Fleet Information Management Guide CD-ROM. The CD-ROM will help you understand...
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Training Products and Tools


June 25, 2007
NAFA is the association for the automotive fleet management profession. Our members manage fleets of automobiles, SUVs, trucks, vans, and a wide range of specialized mobile equipment...